August 1, 2015

The OWL Turns 6!!!

I'm in complete shock that I've been blogging for 6 years!

I never knew when I started this blog - kind've on a whim  - that 6 years later I'd still be here.

I know that I've said several times that I'm stopping only to come back.  There is something about the blogging community and the sharing of books that keeps pulling me back.  

I have gotten to a point that I blog how I want when I want.  
I don't feel guilty or bad if I don't post for a week or two.  
I only get a tish jealous when another blog gets a great book to review.  
I don't feel the need to jump on every book hype, giveaway or meme.  
I blog my way :)

Here's a bit of walk down memory lane:

My first review was for Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass
My first ARC was Hush Hush
My first giveaway
My first author signing - Maggie Stiefvater

What a long ride it has been!

And of course to celebrate - a giveaway.
Must live where The Book Depository delivers for free
Must be at least 13

Enter to win one book $20 or less from The Book Depository


  1. WOW!!! Congratulations on SIX years!!!
    Let's see, six years ago I was going to be a sophomore in high school and I was in Africa/London for a mission trip/vacation. Since I was out of the country, I brought about 75 pounds of books on my trip (and bought more later). Some of the best were Forgotten by Cat Patrick and Finding Sky by Joss Sterling.

  2. Congratulations! That is awesome!

    Six years ago, I was still in college. I was doing my observation hours in a kindergarten classroom as a prerequisite for the teaching credential program. Wow, that seems like so long ago. Blogging hadn't even crossed my mind yet! Congrats again!

    Cheryl @ I Heart Fictional People

  3. 6 years?!?! Wow! Congratulations! That is pretty fantastic. Thanks for the great giveaway as well. 6 years ago? I was probably on vacation reading a really great book. It was before I had my blog, so it was probably when I was obsessed with the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. I read so many of those books that summer. I also read a lot of Sarah Dessen six years ago.

  4. Wow, congratulations! Here's to SIX MORE years! :) :) :)

  5. In high school, probably the the Iron Fey series. :D

  6. This summer I passed 1000 posts without realizing it. I need to do something for that! Congratulations on 6 years and I am glad you kept going! I always enjoy reading your stuff!

  7. Congrats, Jill. Glad you are still blogging.

  8. Congrats on six years! Six years ago (according to Goodreads, at least) I was reading series like Percy Jackson and Fablehaven. Enjoying them along with my kids!

  9. That's great. Congratulations. Nice that you blog when you want about what you want. That's the way to do it.
