April 20, 2010

Tween Tuesday April 20

Tween Tuesday was started over at Green Bean Teen Queen as away to hightlight awesome books for the 9-12 year old set. AKA Tweens. Any book highlighted on Tween Tuesday does count for the In the Middle Reading Challenge. This week's book is:

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
Tom Angleberger

This book looks absolutely cute! The layout reminds me some of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid but not so much of a graphic novel.  It has less pictures.  I just bought this book this past weekend, so I'll be reading and reviewing it super soon!

CONTEST ADDITION: this book is one of the options if you win my In the Middle Reading Challenge Update.  If you pick this one Tom has offered to send the winner a signed oragami Yoda! How cool is that! That contest ends today.  CLICK HERE if you still need to enter. 

From Goodreads:
In this funny, uncannily wise portrait of the dynamics of a sixth-grade class and of the greatness that sometimes comes in unlikely packages, Dwight, a loser, talks to his classmates via an origami finger puppet of Yoda. If that weren’t strange enough, the puppet is uncannily wise and prescient. Origami Yoda predicts the date of a pop quiz, guesses who stole the classroom Shakespeare bust, and saves a classmate from popularity-crushing embarrassment with some well-timed advice. Dwight’s classmate Tommy wonders how Yoda can be so smart when Dwight himself is so clueless. With contributions from his puzzled classmates, he assembles the case file that forms this novel.


  1. Hmmm...I like the sound of this one. Thanks.

  2. This one looks so fun and cute.

  3. One of my co-workers just read this book and said she liked it. I've got in on hold at the library-I love the title!
