August 15, 2015

Book Blast: Kiki and Jacques by Susan Ross +GIVEAWAY

I'm very excited today to participate in the book blast for Kiki and Jacques!!

I don't know if you are aware of the #WeNeedDiverseBooks movement on Twitter, but it was created to promote the need for more diverse books in YA and MG.  
I know it's something I'm lacking in my reading, so when I was given the chance by MMSAI Tours to promote this book I jumped at it!


Kiki and Jacques
Author: Susan Ross
Pages: 128
Reading Level: Middle Grade

Release Date: October 15, 2015
Publisher:  Holiday House

A local boy and a refugee girl from Somalia overcome cultural challenges in a small Maine town.

Twelve-year-old Jacques meets Kiki, a Somali girl with a mysterious scar. Jacques expects to be captain of the soccer team, by Kiki’s brother, Mohamed, becomes his new rival. Kiki is also a talented player and wishes her family would let her join the girls team. A dangerous older boy implicated Jacques in a blot to rob the Army Navy Store, but Mohamed is mistakenly arrested. The boys on the soccer team shun Mohamed, and Jacques must decide if he will step forward.


“Jacques and Kiki are intriguing chracters, strong and empathetic. Despite problems of culture, they find their way to friendship in a story that is beautifully crafted. A stunning debut novel.”
-Patricia Reilly Giff, Two-time Winner of the Newberry Honor (Lily’s Crossing and Pictures of Hollis Woods)

Susan Ross grew up in Lweiston-Auburn, Maine, and adored spending time at her family’s cottage on the Maine coast. She attended Brown University and NYU School of Law.

After practicing law, Susan taught legal writing in Brooklyn and in Budapest, and creative writing to kids in Connecticut. She led “art smart” for many years in her three children’s elementary school classes and assisted with weekly writing workshops at their international school in London. Susan loves hanging out in a classroom and teaching kids about writing and literature!

KiKi and Jacques was inspired by the large influx of New Mainers from Somalia to Susan’s hometown in Maine. It is her debut middle grade novel.
Currently Susan lived with her husband and teenaged daughter in Connecticut. She teaches writing at Westpoint Writers Workshop and is a trustee at the local library.


One Winner will get a $15.00 B&N Gift Card + a Copy of KIKI AND JACQUES

Must be 13+ To Enter | Open To US Only

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