April 18, 2010

Sunday Shelves April 18

Normally on Sunday Shelves I highlight a blogger and their bookshelves.  This week is a bit different.  A few weeks back Cym Lowell linked to an amazing story on his blog.  It is the story of a man who over came big health issues to make a library for his brother. 

It may sound cheesy or simple, but what this man's story reminded me is that there is so much more to life than collecting the books I want to read.  Life goes beyond that.

One picture of this library is below.  Please go to the original blog for the full story of Do You Believe in Miracles?


  1. Wow. I am literally drooling over this beautiful library. What an amazing story. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I want that library! But I agree, I think we can get so swept up in book blogging that we forget to pay attention to the real world and issues. I'm going to try and promote more causes too.

    I gave you an award http://blackteensread2.blogspot.com/2010/04/new-crayons-awards.html

  3. Amazing library and an amazing story to go with it! Thanks for sharing this find.
