January 1, 2010

New Year's Goals

Time to get into the spirit of the new year and think about what I want to accomplish. I like to think of them as goals rather than resolutions. I have some for the blog and some for myself.

For the blog:
1. Review at least 1 YA and 1 MG book a week
2. Learn how to make buttons!!!!!!
3. Start having author interviews
4. Do more each month with the Whoooooo's That Author series
5. Plan one big inter-blog event
6. Let more of my voice come out in my posts and review. Sometimes I feel like I'm too serious sounding - instead let my excitement come out more

For myself:
1. Start running again. To go with that, run the 5k at the Race for the Cure again and at least on other 5k
2. Finally lost those last 15 lbs from when my son, who is 2 and a half, was born!
3. Read more
4. Plan out meals more - including trying a new recipe once a month
5. If I do last one below, get a tattoo to celebrate

Finish the novel I started including revisions to the point where, at this time next year, I'll feel ready to start sending queries out.


  1. I'm with you on the button making!

    Good luck with all your goals.

  2. Those are some great goals! I share most of the same goals regarding the blog! 2010 is going to be amazing, I can already feel it! :]
