It's called: Reading, Listening, Viewing Guidance & Selection of Resources for Children
For this class I have to read many books from picture books to chapter books (tough sounding class I know!)
I'm going to review these books and label them as for this class and for each one I'll share how I might use it or share it in my FUTURE media specialist position :)
Early Readers
A Good Night for Ghosts by Mary Pope Osborne
Ghosts (Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #20)

I have been reading Magic Tree House books with my kids for at least 10 years. This is the first time I ever had to read one just for me though! I've always liked this series. Some early chapter books can annoy me, but this one doesn't that much. How's that for a resounding positive review?? :) In this book Jack and Annie head to New Orleans and meet Louis Armstrong. I love how it would expose children to some history and most likely history they are not aware of. It would expose them to something beyond what they might know on a daily bases. It was also cute with the ghost aspect. And yes there really is a ghost in the story! It was done just right for kids - nothing scary that would keep them up at night. As usual, Jack and Annie has to help fix something in history. This is done with some conflict but solved easily in the end.
Over-all a nice book and series for those beginner readers.
About the nonfiction companion book - I like that some of the Magic Tree House books have these because it gives young kids some of the information behind the story. This one looks at several different topics including why New Orleans is considered a very haunted city. I even learned a few things reading it!
I read a few of these when my grandkids were younger. This one sounds better than the ones I read. Maybe I'll check it out. Thanks for the review.