March 27, 2012

Interview: Jen K. Blom +GIVEAWAY

Today I'd like to welcome Jen K. Blom! She is the author of two MG novels Possum Summer and the soon to be released Blue Appalosa. 

Possum Summer
a lonely kid.
a dad that says no way.
how do you keep that kind of secret?
and what happens when you’re found out? 
an orphaned baby possum.
Possum Summer is a heartbreaking novel about a girl and her father whose fractious relationship is healed by the hard lessons they learn about love and letting go.

Blue Appalosa (to be released May 2013)
Abby, a girl from Virginia visits her estranged father and his feedlot in Texas for the first time ever - learning just how fleeting real affection and friendship can be when she falls in love with the wrong horse.
Welcome Jen so glad you could join on on The O.W.L.! 

We'll start with some easy questions.

Point of View: First !!

Boy or Girl main character: Hm. Hard to answer. Girls, mostly so far. But boy books are in the pipeline!

Genre: ANIMALS all the way, baby!

More boy or girl book (stereotypically): Hm. I guess more stereotypically girl.

The Serious Questions!
Why MG instead of any other age level?
At the Middle grade age, you really truly LIVE it. All the ups and downs, and hormones, and OMG I AM GOING TO DIE feelings…that is truly the most authentic age group there is.

For you MG novel what part are you most excited about? What part do you think they'll enjoy reading the most or was the most fun to write?
For my book POSSUM SUMMER, I enjoyed the possum pooping part the best – and I’ve had feedback from readers that they loved it, too. :)

For my upcoming book BLUE APPALOOSA (Fall 2012) I really enjoy the part where Abby, our protag, touches the horse she’s dreamed of petting for the first time.

When you were in middle school kind of student were you? Did you write then? Did you read?
I read. I was a bookworm with a capital B! I was also a humungous dork. BUT – I wouldn’t change it for the world, now, because I have so much raw material I’ll be writing about it forever! (I read too. I didn’t like any other subject). 

And because it's the owl my standard question always is: WHOOO do you admire when it comes to writing? OR WHOOO do you like to read or really enjoyed in HS or middle school?
I love animal books. I love Sterling North and his Rascal, and Wilson Rawls’ books are a highlight. I also love Mercedes Lackey (especially in high school). She does talking animals and hawks like no one else I’ve ever read. Anne McCaffrey, too…I wanted a fire lizard SO MUCH.

The Fun Questions! (based on what 7th graders do!)
Do you chew gum? 
Yes or No If yes favorite kind? Nope! Gum is icky!

Do you text?
I have an iPhone so I find myself emailing more now. :)

Was school lunch just as yucky then as it is now?!

Thanks Jen! I love animal books too! And the possom pooping??? Interesting :)
To learn more about Jen and her books check out her website.

Now for a giveaway.  
Jen has offered up a copy of Possom Summer and  LookBook (a notebook) much like what P uses in the book!

To enter fill out the Rafflecopter below.
Must be at least 13

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Super Cute would love this for my daughter!

  2. Hi guys!

    Thanks for the awesome interview, Jill!

    You are the best!

