March 2, 2010

Review: Eleventh Grade Burns

Title: Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Eleventh Grade Burns
Author: Heather Brewer
Publisher:  Dutton Juvenile

From Goodreads
Things have taken a darker turn for the half-human teenager with an appetite for blood. Joss, a vampire slayer and Vlad’s former friend, has moved back to Bathory. A mysterious and powerful new vampire, Dorian, appears with a shocking secret and an overwhelming desire to drink Vlad’s blood. And Vlad’s arch enemy, D’Ablo, has a sinister plan to eliminate Vlad once and for all. With death threatening from every angle, Vlad will have to use every ounce of his skill and training to survive, but nothing can prepare him for what awaits him in the end.

My Review
WARNING THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS ON PREVIOUS BOOKS IN THE SERIES. If you haven't read the other books in the series, please read knowing things may be given away. 

If you've read my blog at all you know it no secret that I LOVE the Vladimir Tod series.  I'd do just about anything to get my hands on a Vlad smiley fang hoodie!  I was so excited when this book came out - preordered it and everything.  After finishing it, I wasn't disappointed it. I've so loved watching Vlad grow up and mature, and his maturity was very clear in this installment.  It was nice to see him think things through before just acting.  Many things are happening to Vlad and his uncle Otis - things that are beyond Vlad control, but instead of whining and complaining, Vlad steps back and thinks about why things are happening how they are.  That doesn't mean he just sits around, he readily jumps into action but it was nice to see it wasn't his first reaction anymore. (ok so yes he still flew off the handle once in a while, but it was at more justified events!) I also loved the addition of vampire Dorian.  His story helped Vlad grow.  Dorian's knowledge and personality gave the story a great push forward.

I will admit that parts of the plot were slow to move and reveal, but the ending more than made up for it.  Things I thought would happen didn't and major things I didn't expet to happen did!  I never had the whole story figured out.  At the end I was left in complete shock, turning the page for more! I can't believe I have to wait until fall to get the final piece to this whole puzzle!

One part I didn't like was Vlad's whole dilemma with Merideth and Snow.  See I'm 100% for Snow, so all this lamenting over Merideth annoyed me.  I liked the points Henry made to Vlad about knowing the real Merideth vs. loving the image he had of her.  I get that Vlad is torn, and that adds to his maturity, but I just wanted him to decide already!

Final thought: As a fan of the series it didn't disappoint at all!

Best stick-with-you image: Otis hunting.  I felt what Vlad felt.

Best for ages: 12+ for sure.  Possibliy even 11+


  1. I love the covers of these books, and how Vlad matures. I'll put this series on my TBR list.

  2. I am with you about the series and reviewed this last week. Heather Brewer is from a suburb of St Louis and for the past few years we have had one of the books on our book battle list. She made an appearance last year at the battle and is coming again this year. She is actually giving the winning school a visit as one of the prizes. Now I can't wait for Vlad's senior year.
