
March 10, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday March 10

This is a meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. In this post we talk about books yet to be released that we are excited about. I do that, but sometimes I also like to talk about great books I have, but are waiting to read. I also like to try and find books other bloggers are using so that more books are shared!

The book I'm waiting on is:

The Karma Club by Jessica Brody

Why I'm waiting on it: My sister always talks about karma, so when I saw this title I had to check it out.  I also saw the the book trailer (see below), and the idea that when you mess with the universe you throw things off sounds interesting.  It also just looks like a fun book. Word of caution for my younger readers - I think it is definately young adult not middle grade focused!

From Goodreads:
Madison Kasparkova always thought she understood how Karma works. It’s that mysterious, powerful force that brings harmony to the universe. You know—do good things and you will be rewarded, do something bad and Karma will make sure you get what’s coming to you. A sort of cosmic balancing act.
But when Mason Brooks, Maddy’s boyfriend of two years, gets caught tongue-wrestling with Miss Perfect Body Heather Campbell, and absolutely nothing happens to either of them—except that they wind up the hot new couple of Colonial High School, it seems like Karma has officially left Maddy in the lurch. That’s why Maddy and her best friends, Angie and Jade, decide to start the Karma Club—a secret, members-only organization whose sole purpose is to clean up the messes that the universe has been leaving behind. Whether they’re modifying Heather Campbell’s acne cream as part of “Operation Butterface,” or righting a few wrongs when it comes to Angie and Jade’s own slimy exes, they know they’re just doing what Karma should have done in the first place. They’re taking care of one another. Sometimes, though, it isn’t wise to meddle with the universe. Because it turns out, when you mess with Karma, Karma messes back. Now Maddy must find a way to balance her life for good, even as everything around her seems to be toppling to the ground.
Here's the book trailer:


  1. Very interesting, my ex used to talk about karma too, have to check this one out.

  2. I am totally gaga over this one. Sounds SOOOOOOOO cute.

    PS Thanks for not having word verification. Me no like'em :)

  3. This does sound good. I have a bunch of HS readers who would like this one.

    My Waiting on Wednesday (or Want to Read Wednesday) post is here.

  4. This sounds cute, I love that cover too :)

  5. Hey darlin! I just wanted to let you know that I have an award for you on my blog! :)

  6. Oh Oh!! I'm excited about this one. Look forward to reading this one!!!
