
March 11, 2010

Thinking on Thursday - 3 Mini Reviews

On Thursdays I take time to step back and just share my thoughts on things related to reading. Sometimes these may be my thoughts or thoughts I've gotten from my students. It depends on the Thursday. It depends on the topic. It depends on the week!

This week I'm thinking about MINI REVIEWS!

Over Christmas break I read a ton, but with all the holiday madness I didn't get around to reviewing a few of them.  I've seen other bloggers do a quick mini review, and allthough I feel bad for not giving them more time, that's what I'm going to do.

To find out more about the book, click the title to be taken to the Goodreads page.

Author: Carrie Ryan
I LOVED this book.  The whole concept just worked for me.  The thought of the village surrounded by, well zombies, that constantly moaned really created a strong setting that I was pulled into.  I could almost hear their moaning throughout the whole book.  Over and over I found myself asking what I'd do in Mary's position.  Many times I agreed with what she did, and other times I wanted to scream at her to stop being selfish!  In the end tho, I think it was her selfishness - or unwillingness to give up - that helped her survive.  I was a little disappointed at the end because I wanted to know more of what happened to her.  Although the companion book The Dead Tossed Waves is not a true sequel I do hope it gives some answers. 

Title: The Line
Author: Teri Hall

Great dystopic novel that was well plotted.  At first I didn't get what the big deal would be.  I mean I knew something would happen with Rachel and the Line she lives near, but the way the whole plot built up to why and how she would be forced to do what she never thought she would was very well done. All the pieces fell together beautifully.  I liked Rachel - and for me to really enjoy a book I need to like the characters.  She was a smart, strong girl that even when she was afraid, refused to turn back.  I can't wait to see where her strength takes her.  After I finished the novel I tweeted to the author to ask how long I had to wait for the sequel.  You this was in December when The Line hadn't even been released yet!

Author: Simon Holt

I had been hearing a lot about this book on different blogs and how scary it was.  I liked it, but I'd hope for more tension and suspense.  Yes it had some scary parts, and there's a scene in the basement that is quit tense but I had really wanted more.  I think I might have enjoyed it better if I hadn't heard over and over how good it was.  The hype made me expect more than I should have.  That said tho - I do want to read the sequel Soulstice and probably the third book Fearscape due out in October, because I want to know how it all works in the end.  I'll just know not to expect so much :)  I love the premise - and it's one that many people would find very freaky so I can't lose with that!


  1. These all sound amazing & I've heard great things about all three. They're definitely all on my reading list.

    These mini reviews are really cool. :)

  2. I agree about the Forest of H&T and can't wait for The Dead-Tossed Waves. I want to read The Line now.
