
March 9, 2010

Tween Tuesday - REVIEW: SPHDZ Book #1 by Jon Scieszka

Title: SPHDZ Book #1
Author: Jon Scieszka
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Released: June 22, 2010

From back of book: (Sorry that I couldn't find a better summary, but there just isn't one out there yet!)

Meet SPHDZ.  Be SPHDZ.  Save the world. The first day at a new school, in a new town, with new kids.  Can Michael K.'s life get any weirder? Yes. It can. Much MUCH weirder. 

My Review:
This book is intended for the 7-10 yr old set, and I think they'll love it! I giggled at parts of it! The book is clearly a set up for the rest of the series, but I still good on its own right.  Poor Michael K (K because there are several Michaels) starts his first day of school getting "stuck" with two very odd kids that seem to quote tv commercials every other line.  They claim to be from another planet and believe only Michael K can help them get 3.14 million kids to say they are SPHDZ or Earth will be shut off! Of course Michael K doesn't believe them and thinks they've totally lost it.  Add to that an agent from the AAA (Anti-alien Agency) who messes up everything and it's a goofy story that is highly entertaining.  I particulary liked the scene at the grocery store where it becomes clear how much of the aliens' knowledge of Earth is based on advertisements. Super cute!

This book also has several webpages that go with the book. I really liked the one for the Anti-alien Angency.  It was VERY realistic.  Check it out! I think these add a ton to the story. What also adds to the story are the illustrations.  Super fun.  Many weren't in the ARC yet, but the ones there were cute and well done.  They make the book much more do-able for the younger range of its intended audience. 

Final thought: Super cute book that I think the younger set will get a kick out of. 

Best stick with you image:  The whole description of the AAA Agent getting hit with the ball.

Best for ages: 7-10.  It's clearly for a younger group.  My 11 year old daughter would like it but she'd be done with it in about 30 minutes.

Tween Tuesday is hosted by Greenbeanteenqueen.