
March 8, 2010

Monday Reading Merriment March 8

This is a weekly meme inspired by one ran by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books. Each week on Monday we tell what we read the previous week and what we plan to read in the upcoming week. I like to put a spin on it by also looking at various other reading events.

This week I read:
     I'll be doing a review on it for Tween Tuesday

I'm currently reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
     I'm reading this for the Flashback Reading Challenge.  The last time I read it my son was just over a month old, so I was reading while he napped and only half awake myself!

Contests to enter:
MINE! to celebrate 200 Followers.  Here's THE LINK to the post about it.

The Book Resort is having a contest for a Sony PRS600 Ereader! She's celebrating her one year blogoversary!  If you haven't been to her site yet this is a great time to check it out! Here's THE LINK for her contest.

Carol at Book-lover Carol is having an awesome give-away that will have FOUR winners. Some books given away are:  The Iron King, Hush Hush, and Will Grayson Will Grayson.  Go HERE to check it out.

Sarah at The Babbling Flow of a Fledgling Scribbler is having a great March Madness giveway with FIVE different and fun prize packages.  Some books include:  The Awakening and The Summoning, The Everafter and Fragile Eternity.  You must check it out.  CLICK HERE! Let her know I sent you. 

New Release:
I'm super excited because The Dead Tossed Waves is be released TOMORROW! This is the "sequel" to The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  I say "sequel" because it's not a tradiation sequel.  I loved TFOHT - so I can't wait to read this one.  And this is horrible because I just realized I didn't review it! I read it over Chirstmas so some got away from me! I'll review it this week :p


  1. Just order both The Forest of Hands and Teeth and Dead Tossed Waves. Should be getting them this week. Hopefully with Spring break next week I will actually get more reading done. Hope you have a great week.

  2. I finished the final Harry Potter book while on vaction with my youngest daughter, visiting my sister and a couple brothers. And when I was done, I simply HAD to text my oldest daughter, with whom I'd begun the whole HP experience. (Hey Emma, I said to my then-4th-grader. I heard of this book you might like...) And we had a fabulous text conversation back and forth about the book. Wonderful memory.

    I'm currently reading about the power of forgiveness, in a great non-fiction read, "Fear to Freedom" by Rosemary Trible. Reconciliation is an important message of this book, which is by a rape survivor, and the journey from victim to victory. She helps teach us that the cycle of fear can be broken and lost joy found again. Her life was transformed by her journey from fear to faith -- and it's inspiring to know we can do that, as well, no matter what the trauma or the need.

  3. Forgot to add -- my Potter-loving daughter? She also LOVES birds. When she wakes up (she's home on break) I'm going to show her your blog-- she'll love the owls.

  4. Ha! I am super excited for DTW too, and I, too, forgot to review FOHAT! I did defend it heartily in a group discussion on Goodreads, though.

  5. I have been having a bit of a "Potter" craving lately. I have the second book out for my Harry Potter Challenge and My Gilmore Girl Challenge. It will also qualify for my YA Challenge as well as my 100+ Challenge.... I love books that cover many challenges :)

    Enjoy your week!

  6. Oh, thanks for the reminder about the DTW! I also checked out Sarah's blog and let her know you sent me.

  7. I better get busy and read Forest of Hands and Teeth which is sitting on my night stand-because the sequel sounds very exciting!
    Have a great reading week!
