
November 28, 2014

Current Read: Get Happy

I read the book Guitar Notes by the same author and loved it. I couldn't believe it when a signed copy of this book showed up in the mail!!! No clue why! Enjoying it so far.

First Line: It starts with the gift.

November 16, 2014

New Books

Today my husband and I were it and about and he asked if I would mind going to Half-Price Books. I laughed.

Our trip was good to me. I really like Just One Day, so I was very excited to find Just One Year.

November 15, 2014

So I'm In a Dilemma.......

I'm trying to decide what to do.  I'm trying to decide if I want to keep blogging or not.  I'm trying to be ok with blogging my way - when I want, how I want - not feel like I to need to write long posts daily - or keep up with the blog next door. I really want to keep blogging because I love sharing my love for books! But I find myself getting caught up in world of comparison. That blog does that - I should too.  That blog posts that - I should too.  That blog has tours and interviews and lots of memes - I should too.  That's my deal, and I need to let that go and blog for what I want without paying attention to number of followers or replies or giveaway entries.  I'm much better at doing that, but I need to do it more.  

Now the other dilemma is my blog "theme".  I loved the owls when I first started, but I'm not feeling it so much any more.  My every day life is filled with owls because of this blog, and they are cute and adorable and I love them, but I'm feeling like it's time to move on from them.  I've been toying with changing the theme.  BUT of course I'm worried that I'm known as The O.W.L. and what will do that do to my branding.  And then I wonder - do I really care???????

What I'd love to change to - Bare Bones Reading.  Why?  That's what I want my blog to be.  Just the bare bones of reading and sharing it.  Nothing fancy - nothing more.  And I'd love the theme to be skeletons and skulls.  I actually love skull patterns (kinda not the owl look is it!??!).  I have shoes with skulls, a backpack etc.  I really do love them!

So my dilemma - do I just in and make a change and with it change the way I blog???????????????? 
I'm going to decide on way or the other by the end of 2014 and this time stick with it!

November 12, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: What Waits in the Woods

This post is inspired by a meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

Today I'm waiting on:

Release Date: March 31, 2015

Why: I LOVE this genre of book. Sounds fantastic and scary and suspenseful. 

An unputdownable thriller with twists and turns the reader won't see coming, from YA talent Kieran Scott. 

It's a beautiful, sunny day. Callie Velasquez holds hands with her boyfriend Jeremy as they follow Callie's new BFFs Penelope and Lissa up the trail. The four friends are embarking on a camping trip -- a trip that immediately goes awry. They lose their way on the trail, and encounter a charismatic stranger with questionable motives. And when Callie stumbles upon a dead body, it becomes clear that the danger that lies in the woods is deadlier than she could have ever imagined. Tensions mount and friendships are tested as these teenagers try to survive the most sinister of circumstances.

November 5, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: When Reason Breaks

This post is inspired by a meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

Today I'm waiting on:

When Reason Breaks by  
Release: February 15, 2015
Why:  Because it deals with some issues many teens face.

13 Reasons Why meets the poetry of Emily Dickinson in this gripping debut novel perfect for fans of Sara Zarr or Jennifer Brown.

A Goth girl with an attitude problem, Elizabeth Davis must learn to control her anger before it destroys her. Emily Delgado appears to be a smart, sweet girl, with a normal life, but as depression clutches at her, she struggles to feel normal. Both girls are in Ms. Diaz’s English class, where they connect to the words of Emily Dickinson. Both are hovering on the edge of an emotional precipice. One of them will attempt suicide. And with Dickinson’s poetry as their guide, both girls must conquer their personal demons to ever be happy. 

In an emotionally taut novel with a richly diverse cast of characters, readers will relish in the poetry of Emily Dickinson and be completely swept up in the turmoil of two girls grappling with demons beyond their control.

November 3, 2014

Review: Star Wars Poster-a-Page Book

Star Wars Poster-A-Page

Star Wars is an ever deepening, timeless, mythological tale of good versus evil, set in a galaxy far, far away. Filled with noble Jedi Knights, fearsome creatures, and cruel villains, the epic space fantasy introduced "the Force" into the global vocabulary, along with characters such as evil Darth Vader, wise old Yoda, idealistic Luke Skywalker, and lovable Chewbacca. The epic Star Wars saga continues to grow and expand, captivating new generations with its exotic worlds, iconic themes and unforgettable stories.

A new era in the rich history of Star Wars is about to begin with the announcement of a new trilogy of Star Wars movies, starting in 2015, and the announcement of a series of Star Wars spin-off movies, over the coming years
  • Enjoy more than a hundred glossy, full-color images from Star Wars movies .
  • Comprehensive look back at all six movies
  • Collect nine full-size, pull-out posters.
Poster-A-Page delivers children's most popular characters, stories, and memorable moments to them in a unique visual format. With every page a poster, plus 9 supersize fold-out posters inside, this series offers kids ages 4-12 the opportunity to bring their favorite friends and stories into their homes, onto their walls, and become part of their world.

A few weeks back I reviewed the Marvel Avengers version of this book. You can see it HERE.  So when I was offered the Star Wars version I jumped at it! I have a HUGE HUGE HUGE Star Wars fan in my house.  My 13 year old son has all the movies and has watched them so many times he knows minute details about them. Plus he has started reading some of the books.  I knew he would be the perfect audience to review this poster book.

He LOVED it.  He thinks the posters are great and loves that all the movies are in it.  He made sure to find the the book the small poster for every movie so he could get them all hung on his wall.  

Inside page.  Very think paper!

Here are some pictures of some of the posters from the book up on his wall

There are a few more posters left in the book and I believe they'll see the wall soon!

Now his little brother who is 7 was all over the book too! 
Of course he looks up to his big brother, so he wanted to hang posters up too.  One night before bed he went through the whole book and marked the posters he wanted.  Now he has a Star Wars display too.

Here's a pic from his room.

And these are some that will be hung up soon!

These book are great.  If you have a kid who loves a certain fandom, look for these books. You get a lot of great quality posters for a great price.  I know how much individual posters can be!  These books are worth the price.