
July 22, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Today we are looking at what characters we'd like on a deserted island with us

1.  Any of the main teen characters from Rot & Ruin by Jon Maberry.  They are tough and smart and fighters!

2.  Tris from Divergent because she'd keep us fighting to survive if I wanted to give up.

3.  Katness from Hunger Games - Same reason as Tris BUT I would have to boot Katniss if she got whiney like she did in book 3.  

4.  The main character from A Bad Case of Voodoo by Jeff Strand because he would keep me laughing! 

5.  Ponyboy from The Outsiders because I could talk books and reading with him.  Plus he'd made sure I noticed the sunsets.  

6.  Sam from Shiver.  I never finished the series, but I liked him a lot.  I think he would just be nice to have around.

7.  Miranda from the MG book When You Reach Me.  I don't know why.  I like her.  I like the book.

8.  Harper Price from Rebel Belle.  LOVE that girl, and I'd love to see what Katniss, her and Tris would think of each other.  

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.  Would make for an interesting time!


  1. I love that you have Ponyboy on your list! He would be great to have on a deserted island. Nice job at spicing the topic up a bit. It would also be very interesting to see how three strong woman interact.

    Great list!

    My Top Ten

  2. I read The Outsiders so long ago that I can't even remember what Ponyboy was like. I barely remember Sam from Shiver, either... but he'd probably be good to cuddle with on cold nights.

    Katniss made my list, too, but I was thinking of the kick-butt Katniss from the first book... not the damaged shell she became by the end of the third book.

  3. Nice picks! I have yet to start the Rot & Ruin books but really want too, have heard great things. Katniss made my list too, she would definitely be put on hunting duty. Here's my TTT.

    1. You must read the Rot & Ruin series. So good!!

  4. If you were stuck on a desert island with Tyler from A BAD DAY FOR VOODOO, the island would sink!

    1. HaHaHa! I choose to believe he'd hold it together :)

  5. Great List! I wouldn't want Katniss for the same reason you pointed out, but she would be a great person to be surviving with. As for Tris, I love her and seeing as I'm not outdoorsy or anywhere near being dauntless, Tris is a good choice in deserted island buddy

  6. Hmmm. I would want August Pullman from Wonder who would inspire me to be a better person and to get through anything.
