
August 11, 2012

Stacking the Shelves Aug 11

Stacking the Shelves is a meme started by Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews.  Here's how she explains it:

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in a physical store or online, books you borrow from firends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
To find out more go HERE!

This week I got:

For Review

From Paperback Swap
(see post about PBS HERE)

For school - I'm teaching a novel in verse for grades 6-8

May B (6th grade)
Witness (8th grade)

And for my new job!
The non-fun books ;)


  1. wow, interesting selection this week! Some of those covers are adorable! Enjoy (yes, even the unfun books)

    My IMM:

  2. I was blown away by the beauty of Inside Out & Back Again. So moving. May B was also very well done. I commend you for tackling novels in verse in middle school. I have not read Witness, but I will add it to my list.

  3. Nice selection and variety of books. I just read my first verse novel this week - My Book of Life by Angel (YA, 9/4 release). I liked the amount of emotion that the author packed into very few words. I'll have to read some more verse novels.

    The only one of your work books that I have read is Deeper Reading. I have read other books by Gallagher and found them useful and inspiring.

    It was nice meeting you Friday night. I hope you enjoy your new teaching assignment. Happy reading.

    BTW - here is the other blog with Owls in the name that I was talking about -

  4. Even your non-fun books look fun! I hope you have a great year.

  5. Oooh, Witness - I hope your students enjoy it as much as I did around the same age! It's probably my favorite of Karen Hesse's books, being one of the best historical novels I've read.
