
August 17, 2012

Friday's For the Guys Book Review: Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick

On Fridays I like step back and make sure that I am addressing boy readers.  It's so easy to review and highlight books for girls, but I also teach boys, so I need to make sure to find books for them! 

Today I've got a book review.

Title: Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick
Author: Joe Schreiber

Ferris Bueller meets La Femme Nikita in this funny, action-packed young adult novel.
It’s prom night—and Perry just wants to stick to his own plan and finally play a much anticipated gig with his band in the Big Apple. But when his mother makes him take Gobija Zaksauskas—their quiet, geeky Lithuanian exchange student—to the prom, he never expects that his ordinary high school guy life will soon turn on its head. Perry finds that Gobi is on a mission, and Perry has no other choice but to go along for a reckless ride through Manhattan’s concrete grid with a trained assassin in Dad’s red Jag.
Infused with capers, car chases, heists, hits, henchmen, and even a bear fight, this story mixes romance, comedy, and tragedy in a true teen coming-of-age adventure—and it’s not over until it’s “au revoir.”
My Review

I need to start by saying this book is NOT what I expected! Well it is a little, but not completely at all. I thought it was going to be humorous and that's all. While there is humor in it, there is way more.  

In the summary it says "Ferris Bueller meets La Femme Nikita".  I didn't take that line seriously enough.  I'm thinking high school, prom, YA book.  Well yes, yes, yes BUT whoa! Maybe I should explain what I mean :) Ok when I picked up this book to read I thought it would be this romp through New York City that would have some points of danger but nothing life threatening.  I was kinda wrong.  From the Time Gobi and Perry hit Manhattan, they are in danger.  Complete danger that Gobi puts them in.  And it's not simple danger like she forgot to pay off a gambling debt - it's way deeper and more personal than that! Did I like this?? - once I figured out it was like that yes I did! I really enjoyed it.  Perry was fantastic because he was so wide-eyed, "I'm  just going to joke so it doesn't seem real" freaked out that you had to laugh at him.  But at the same time I was completely captured by what Gobi was doing and wondering why she was doing it.  At points this made for that car crash syndrome - I just couldn't look away! And to top it off it was action packed! Gobi and Perry and literally running through the streets of New York City, and you can feel that in the story.  There were points I almost felt breathless!

Now I will warn you - you need to suspend your disbelief completely or you won't be able to buy into the story. I few times I caught myself thinking "no way this just couldn't happen!". If I wasn't able to let that go I would not have enjoyed the story as much!  You have to just accept that in the world of this book all is possible.  And the second warning - you need to be ok with some violence.  Gobi pulls no punches- literally (ok I've said literally twice now - sorry!).  If you can't read about someone being beaten up this is NOT the book for you!

The best part - each chapter heading.  Perry is a senior and applying to colleges.  Each chapter title is an essay topic you might find on a college application.  They even say what college it was suppose to be from.  I really liked that! They went with the events in the chapter.  A very fun way to arrange the book.  Many times after I finished a chapter, I'd go back and reread the title, so I could see again how they fit. Very neat! 

Final thought: Loved it! I'd love to hear more about Perry and Gobi!

Best stick-with-you image: How do I narrow it down??? I think when Perry is shot.  Yes I said shot!
Best for readers who: Can handle some more graphic fight scenes
Best for ages: 14+! I know my 13 yr old could read it, but I know her! 

For the Guys? 100% yes!!! Not only is the main character a guy - he's a great guy.   He questions like a guy.  He thinks like a guy.  He acts like a guy. He learns to stand up for himself.  I would definitely hand it to some boys I know.  Not all because of the age recommendation but some for sure!


  1. I really enjoyed this book and could barely put it down. I think my most favorite part was the chapter titles drawn from essay questions but there was a lot of good stuff to enjoy!

  2. Really? Danger? I want it! I'm soooooooooooooo off to check out the audio. Thanks for the stellar review.

  3. Yes, is it wrong I'm mostly attracted to the chapter headings? I just love creative little extras like that! Of course, the non-stop action doesn't hurt either :-)
