
August 20, 2012

Cover Crush: The EYES Have It

I love book covers. Love love love them! I've been known to drag my sister around Barnes and Noble and show her all the covers I like. I'll hunt down certain students in the morning because I know they'll love a cover as much as me. I really think I develop a crush on certain covers!

Today I'm sharing all the EYES on covers I've seen lately!  
They are everywhere! Look at them!

And I know there has been more that I can't remember!

What are your thoughts about all the eyes on covers???


  1. I llllllllllove eye covers too! The Host is my fav.

  2. Hmmm . . . eyes on covers. As much as I'd like to say I'm with you on this one, I have to go with "creepy." Sorry--all that staring gives me the shivers! *shivers*

  3. Awesome covers. Surprised so many focus on eyes.

  4. I love the cover for The Immortal Rules - but overall I am not crazy about the eye covers.
