
July 19, 2011

My Favs for Tween Tuesday

Tuesday is Tween Tuesday started over at GreenBeanTeenQueen. On Tuesdays we highlight/review books that are awesome for the tween set - or more commonly known at 9-12 year olds.

Lately I've seen a few bloggers with a post about their favorite middle grade or tween books, and that really got me thinking.  If I had to make a list of my favs what would I put on it???  Here are the ones that came to mind right away.

Savvy by Ingrid Law

I soooooo love this book.  It's kinda different because of the idea that everyone in Mib's (the main character) family has a savvy - or special "magical" gift.  But what I really like about it is her determination to get to her father and try to help him.  That just endured me to her.  I think it's a great book for kids who have felt helpless in a situation because that's how she feels.  Great book I highly recommend.

Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech
I avoided this book for the longest time.  Everyone went on and on about how good it was, and sometimes when that happens I just can't read it.  A few summers ago I decided to try it.  I LOVED it.  The journey that the Salamanca  goes on both physically and mentally is so heart breaking I felt put through the wringer.  BUT they hope mixed in gave me such at uplifting feeling.  I really think Sharon Creech was pure genius when she wrote it because it has so many layers that all fit together seamlessly.

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
Ok I know not everyone likes this book but a book that literally makes me gasp is going to forever be in my heart.  This book did that.  There isn't a detail of this book that wasn't perfectly placed.  I'm in awe of Rebecca Stead's plotting - seriously! I would never be able to plot out a book out that well.  Complete winner!!

Mile: Sticky Notes and Brain Freeze by Alan Silberberg
If you've ever lost a parent or know a tween who has - this book hits hard and close to home.  It starts out slow, and you aren't sure how or where it's going but when the momentum hits it takes you on a roller coaster ride you can't get off.  I cried and cried at the end of this book both from sadness and the hope that flowed in behind it.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
This is still tween right - even tho people of all ages read it??? I love HP because it showed me that fantasy can be good :) and because of all the children I know read because of it.  Nuff said :)

Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Simple reason - my BOYS read it! I <3 any author that gets my boys reading.

Ok there are tons more, but those are the first ones I thought of.  I take that to mean they are ones I really love for one reason or another.  This was fun. I may have to do a part two some time!


  1. I haven't that Milo book. I'll definitely have to look for it.

  2. Great choices! I have been thinking of doing a Tween Tuesday "rewind" because there are a bunch of Tween books I read and never reviewed...

  3. I am curious if your students have liked Savvy. Got a lot of crinkled noses with that one.

  4. The few that I've had read it really liked it. My daughter loved it.

  5. I recently read and LOVED When You Reach Me.

    I need to try Savvy.
