
July 18, 2011

Cover Crush: Distant Waves

I love book colors - love love LOVE them! Book covers will definitely draw me to a book or, sadly, make me hesitant to take a look at it.  Sometimes the crush in on a brand new cover just released, but I do have favorites that stick over time or are from books not many know about.  When I find one I like, I have to show it to everyone! 
But to put it simply - I have cover crushes!

Today I'm crushing on:

Distant Waves

This is an oldy but a a goody.  This book has been a round for a while, and I'm drawn to it still.  There is something about that dress "floating" that just draws me -especially the absence of a body!  It doesn't hurt that the dress is that old vintage looking style that I really do like.  Every time I see this book cover I remember how much I love it.


  1. I can totally get what you're talking about. I love certain book covers too and yeh, I guess I would call it a cover crush!! This one, Distant Waves, is stunning. It says so much doesn't it? Gorgeous!
    Suzy Turner

  2. I totally agree. I've been crushing on this one for a long while. I love allll things Titanic.
