
May 2, 2010

Guest Post - Kay Cassidy and The Cinderella Society

Today I have the honor of hosting Kay Cassidy the author of The Cinderella Society. I was lucky enough to be part of a book tour for The Cinderella Society.  I loved the book and its message of girl power. You can read my review of it HERE.  Kay's guest post is a fun look at what books The Cinderella Society would be friends with.  It's a twist on my Sunday Shelves feature.  Thanks Kay for putting together such a fun post and thanks for writing The Cinderella Society!

Books That The Cinderella Society Would Be Friends With
When Mrs. Foltz invited me to participate in her Sunday Shelves series as part of the official The Cinderella Society launch tour, I was delighted. I love talking about books! To make it fun, I decided to put together a bookshelf of books that The Cinderella Society would be friends. Or, more to the point, YA heroines that Jess from The Cinderella Society would be friends with in real life.

So here are Jess's fictional buddies, in photo order:

Cammie from I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter
If you've read The Cinderella Society, you know there's a lot more to the Cindys than playing Cinderella. Cammie and her spy girl buddies would be the ultimate Cindy weapon in their war against the Wickeds. Plus they're all go-getters who are smart and funny – right up Jess's alley.

Abbey from Beauty Shop for Rent by Laura Bowers
Abbey knows what she wants and goes after it, no matter the odds. That's the same thing Jess does, even when she knows the Wickeds have a fierce advantage. Sometimes you just have to do the right thing for the right reasons and hope it turns out for the best. Score one for the Cindy way!

Phoebe from Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs
Phoebe is a girl on a mission. Independent, smartly funny, and with a competitive streak a mile wide. Considering that The Cinderella Society sequel is titled Cindy on a Mission, is it any wonder Jess and Phoebe would be fast friends? (Tera concurs, btw – we think they'd have a blast together.)

Kaitlin from Broadway Lights by Jen Calonita
With the worldwide glitz and glamour that lurks beneath The Cinderella Society's high school exterior, Kaitlin would be right at home. She's smart, has a good heart, and keeps her sense of who she is despite being Hollywood's It girl. Total buddy material for Jess and the Cindys.

Sophie from Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Not only is Sophie hilarious, but she's also a fellow outcast like Jess. She doesn't let it get her down, though, and always remembers who she is no matter what her fiendish classmates might say. She knows that unconditional friendship is worth more than all the superficial buddy moments in the world. Rachel and I joke that Sophie and Jess would set the world on fire if there were ever together. (In Sophie's case, it might be accidental!)

Nora from Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Nora is smart, tough, and no nonsense. Plus, she's a little too curious for her own good when given the right temptation. :-) Sounds like Jess, right? Definitely a Cindy match.

Desi from Princess for Hire by Lindsey Leavitt
Desi knows what it feels like to be on the outskirts of popularity. She also discovers she's a lot tougher than she ever gave herself credit for. Jess has to learn those same lessons too. If Desi were a Cindy, Jess would be pressing Gaby to let her be Desi's big Sister for sure.

Alex from The Season by Sarah MacLean
Spunky, stubborn, and willing to buck Regency England's strict traditions to do what's right, Alex is absolutely the kind of girl Jess would want as a fellow Cindy. And given the history of The Cinderella Society, who knows… maybe Alex was a Cindy long before Jess ever was!

Lucy from My Life in Pink and Green by Lisa Greenwald
Jess and the Cindys are always looking for ways to make a difference in the world, just like Lucy does with her family's pharmacy. When faced with a tough situation, neither Lucy nor Jess back down from the challenge. That's what make them Cindy material!

So there you go! Nine YA heroines who Jess would totally be friends with if they ever ran into each other at a YA heroines conference. (And if there are those kinds of conferences, can I be invited? Please?) Thanks for having me on Sunday Shelves!


  1. What a cool post. I look forward to reading this one :)

  2. Thanks so much for being part of the official The Cinderella Society launch tour! I had such a blast putting this guest post together for Sunday Shelves. :-)

  3. Excellent post! I really enjoyed reading about the different heroines that Jess might be friends with. I'll be adding The Cinderella Society to my TBR list right away. :)

  4. Yes for Oh My Gods! and Hush Hush! And, haha, when I'm met with a hot angel, I might be a little overly curious too... ;)
    Great interview! :D

  5. Great post! Love the originality of the topic. I think the Cinderella Society should also be friends with The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg.
