
February 1, 2010

Monday Reading Merriement with a CONTEST!

I'm going to deviate from the normal Monday post to welcome everyone to February!

I'm very excited it's February because I book I've been waiting for will be out on Feb. 9th! That book would be:

Heather Brewer

I LOVE this series.  You can read my Friday's for the Guys feature on the series here. Be warned - I gush!
In brief why do I love this series:
1.  I love Vlad - he's real
2. Each book takes it up a notch
3.  I've enjoyed watching him grow up
4. He doesn't sparkle (hey I like Twilight to but come on!)
5.  The boys I teach like them!

For these reasons and many more I am declaring February Vlad Month and the 14th will be Vladentines Day.
I don't take credit for making up that term.  I saw it on Heather Brewer's website.  Which is fab by the way - check it out!
Throughout the month I'll be featuring more new about the Chronicles Series, a new book Heather Brewer is working on and other various other vampire related topics.
I'm also doing this to also have more of an anti-Valentine's Day theme in honor of my friend Beth.  She hates v-day, so in her honor I won't be focusing on any lovey dovey type stuff.

I'm holding a contest to win ONE book in the Chronicle of Vladimir Tod Series - which ever one you want.

Extra entries earned by:
+1 Tweeting (@justkeepreading)
+1 putting on sidebar
+1 for tell me what book you want
That's it!
Ends 11:59 EST on Feb 13th
I'll ship from The Book Depository so if they ship to you free you can enter!


  1. Dont count me in! I have too many books to read. :)

    You just got an award on my blog:

  2. Way to start off the week with a contest!
    I've also just given you an award on my blog. :)

  3. What a wonderful blog, I love the design. I also got an award from Nina @ j'adore so thought I'd stop by to say hello and congratulations on your award.

  4. Great contest! I heard about this series not long ago and have been wanting to give them a read, so I put my entry in! Thanks ;)

  5. I'm loving this series. The only one I don't have is the latest one, 11th grade. I agree, it's been fun watching him grow.
