
November 15, 2018

Cover Crush: Angel and Bavar by Amy Wilson

I love book covers! I love walking around Barnes and Noble just looking at all the different covers.  

A good cover will make me pull the book off the shelf!  It's almost like I have a crush on them :)

Today I'm crushin' on:

About the Book:
After the death of her parents, Angel has a lot to get used to: a new home, a new family, a new school. The last thing she’s interested in is making new friends. Until she meets Bavar, a strange boy who slips through the shadows, a boy who might understand her nightmares.

But Bavar doesn’t want to let anyone in. Everyone—and everything—in his enchanted house is already urging him to step up and protect the world from a magical rift and the fearsome monsters traveling through it, a responsibility he wishes he could ignore.

Then Bavar discovers that the monsters are the same ones that killed Angel’s parents. Determined to stop the creatures for good, he reluctantly accepts Angel’s help. Together, Angel and Bavar must find the courage to stand up for each other and themselves to repair the rift between worlds…before it’s too late.

Why I'm crushin':
So much is conveyed in this cover.  I can feel the main characters sadness or loneliness.  The way she's standing alone so small just draws me to her and makes me already begin to care about her.  Then the starkness of the rest of the cover - bare branches, dark house, snow - it just sets such a strong mood for the story.  BUT then that spot of sunlight coming out! Love it all. 

1 comment:

  1. Great choice. I probably would have grabbed that book for the cover as well. Thanks for the post.
