
May 31, 2018

Review: Grump: The (Fairly) True Tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves by Liesl Shurtliff

Title: Grump: The (Fairly) True Tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Author: Liesl Shurtliff
Copy Obtained: From publisher for an honest review

Ever since he was a dwarfling, Borlen (nicknamed "Grump") has dreamed of visiting The Surface, so when opportunity knocks, he leaves his cavern home behind.

At first, life aboveground is a dream come true. Queen Elfrieda Veronika Ingrid Lenore (E.V.I.L.) is the best friend Grump always wanted, feeding him all the rubies he can eat and allowing him to rule at her side in exchange for magic and information. But as time goes on, Grump starts to suspect that Queen E.V.I.L. may not be as nice as she seems. . . .

When the queen commands him to carry out a horrible task against her stepdaughter Snow White, Grump is in over his head. He's bound by magic to help the queen, but also to protect Snow White. As if that wasn't stressful enough, the queen keeps bugging him for updates through her magic mirror! He'll have to dig deep to find a way out of this pickle, and that's enough to make any dwarf Grumpy indeed.

Ok so I've never read a book by this author before even though I have them in my media center.  I will now be recommending them a lot! This book was just fun and cute and everything that is an enjoyable middle-grade read.  

I'm not always one for a retelling of fairy tales.  So I was a bit hesitant, but it was so cute.  I really like stories where a character is different from the whole group.  Grump doesn't completely fit in with the other dwarves because he doesn't feel as comfortable in the deep underground.  This sets off a whole series of events that puts in into the middle of the Snow White story.  It kinda reminded me of the Lion King movie that shows the story of Pumba and Timon - where you get to see the other side of the story.  I think kids will get a kick out of that, and even better than can read more by this author. 

The story itself was well done.  It had the right amount of tension and pacing.  It didn't seem to drag which is very important when it comes to middle-grade books.  I pretty much zipped through it.  And pulling it along - Grump.  Loved that character.  It was flawed and determined and wanted to do what was right.  Great character!

Final thought: Great little book that I will be pointing out to many students now!
Library Thoughts: For sure I'll be adding it to the collection  

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