
March 2, 2016

WoW: Dreamers Often Lie by Jacqueline West

This post is inspired by a meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

Today I'm Waiting On:

Release Date: April 5, 2016

Julia wakes up in the hospital, disoriented, and beset by a slippery morphing of reality into something else. She repeatedly sees a boy who she feels like she knows—but that’s impossible. Determined to get back to school and back to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, in which she’s starring, she lies to her sister, her mom, and her doctors—she’s fine, she says. She’s fine, she’s fine, she’s fine. But then on her first day back, she takes a seat in class . . . next to the mysterious boy. Queasy with anxiety (“I can’t see you,” she hisses at him, “because you’re not really here“), Julia realizes this boy is, in fact, real. And he has no idea what she’s talking about. Caught between this fascinating, empathetic new kid and her childhood friend turned recent love interest, Julia begins to notice unnerving similarities between her circumstances and those of some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Secret kisses, tingling banter, and clandestine meet-ups give way to darker, muddier incidents. As things escalate to a frightening pitch, how much of what’s happening is real, how much is in Julia’s head, and how much does it matter as she’s hurtling toward a fateful end over which she seems to have no control?
I've loved Jacqueline West's middle grade books, so when I saw she had something out for young adult I was very interested.  
Then when I read the summary and saw references to Shakespeare I was even more interested!!! 


  1. I'm really excited about reading Dreamers too, just love Jacqueline's writing style and want to see what she does with YA. Plus Shakespeare, which I haven't read nearly enough of, but would enjoy learning more about.

  2. What a pretty cover. I hope you love it!
