
April 9, 2015

Book Review: The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma +GIVEAWAY

Title: The Walls Around Us
Author: Nova Ren Suma

“Ori’s dead because of what happened out behind the theater, in the tunnel made out of trees. She’s dead because she got sent to that place upstate, locked up with those monsters. And she got sent there because of me.”

The Walls Around Us is a ghostly story of suspense told in two voices—one still living and one long dead. On the outside, there’s Violet, an eighteen-year-old dancer days away from the life of her dreams when something threatens to expose the shocking truth of her achievement. On the inside, within the walls of a girls’ juvenile detention center, there’s Amber, locked up for so long she can’t imagine freedom. Tying these two worlds together is Orianna, who holds the key to unlocking all the girls’ darkest mysteries.

We hear Amber’s story and Violet’s, and through them Orianna’s, first from one angle, then from another, until gradually we begin to get the whole picture—which is not necessarily the one that either Amber or Violet wants us to see.

I need to start by saying I absolutely loved this book.  I really did.  The main support I have for that is the simple fact that I finished it last week, and it's still swimming around in my mind.  I can't stop thinking about it.  

This is one of those books that is put together like a puzzle, and one that makes me wonder how anyone's brain can work in a way to put it together and write it! Even though I did have parts figured out I never had the complete picture until it was all revealed.  I only knew bits and pieces, and to see how those bits and pieces fit together was amazing.

I think one part of the writing I really liked was that the story was told by two different girls. Now that's not overly original, but what was original that one of the girls  - Amber - wasn't part of the main story.  She was more an observer.  I loved she provided this almost outsider view.  She wasn't there when the main story happened, but she witnessed the whole second half of it.  It just provided a new unique perspective that I personally hadn't seen before.  It kept me so hooked and engrossed in the story.  I wanted to know how the part of the story Amber knew fit with the part of the story Violet knew.  

The last thing I'll touch on is the ending.  I can't say too much or I risk giving things away, but the ending was not at all what I expected.  AND I had to reread it a few times to make sure what was happening was what I though!  At first I was like - I have to be reading this wrong!  You gotta love an ending like that!

Over-all a great book.  I encourage you to give it a try!!!

I'm giving away my hardcover copy of the book.
Must be at least 13 and a US resident
Fill out the Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've heard so much about this book! I really want to read it and your review made me even more excited about it! It's a pity that I'm not a US resident to enter the giveaway though.

    Aeriko @

    1. Sorry! I just can't afford oversea shipping etc right now :(

  2. Ooh, thanks for the review! I hadn't heard of this one, but it sounds like one I'd enjoy. And yes. You have to love endings like that!

  3. I have heard of this book and your review makes me really want to read it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy and for the post.

  4. Oh, I've seen this one around and sounds really good. Thanks for a chance to win it.

  5. I've been seeing this book around, but this is the first review I actually read. It sounds so good! I'm definitely entering 'cause even if I can't find the time to read it, I know my daughter-in-law will! :) Thanks!

  6. I've heard so many good things about this book, yet I'm still not sure if it's my cup of tea...Maybe I should give it a try!

  7. Thank you for the chance! If I don't win, I will beg my parents to buy me this book!

  8. I have only heard great things about this book and I'm really excited about the opportunity to get this book. Thanks for the give away and i really hope to get the chance to receive this book.
