
September 9, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Underrated Books or Authors

Today we are listing the top ten books and authors we feel don't get enough attention in the genre of our choice.  I chose a broader category and just went with books I feel need more attention in both YA and MG.

The Midnighters Series by Scott Westerfeld
I adored this series and wish more would read it.  Very cool concept!

Books of Elsewhere by Jacqueline West
Such cute books! Please read this series!

Dead City Series by James Ponti
A great zombie series for the middle grade set!

A Bad Case for Voodoo by Jeff Strand
I seriously laughed out loud while reading this book!

I so loved this book. Sweet story about a family dealing with loss.

Downsiders by Neal Shusterman
The first book I ever read by him.  I loved it so much and so wish he'd continue the story.

Breathe: A Ghost Story by Cliff McNash
Creepy!!! And weirdly my review of it has directed a ton of traffic to the blog. 

That you go a whole crop of books and series you need to get reading! Go to the bookstore now....I'll wait :)