
October 12, 2013

I Need Help Finding Some Books

Hey all I need your help. I need book suggestions, websites, links etc to find books for an 8 year old girl. She reads well. I need books to challenge her but that are still age appropriate. Any help would be great!!


  1. Please check out Middle Shelf Magazine which debuts this weekend. It has lots of reviews and suggestions for new middle grade books. And it's free!

  2. I made a list of older fantasy for a nine year old girl which is here--

    It is mostly comprised of books I myself loved when I was eight!

    1. At that age, I really enjoyed all the Little House books, Dear America series (and the related Royal Diaries/My Name is America books; if I had known about Dear Canada, those would probably have also made the list), and unabridged children's "classics" like those by L.M. Montgomery, Hugh Lofting, Mark Twain, and Frances Hodgson Burnett.

      I read most of these towards 5th grade/middle school, but there are some MG "chunksters" that make for highly entertaining, and surprisingly easy, reads: the Septimus Heape series, A Drowned Maiden's Hair, Mimus, and Fly by Night.

      Annnnd scrolling through my GoodReads account, I have books by Scott O'Dell, Eva Ibbotson, Avi, Karen Hesse, and Patricia C. Wrede marked as ones I remember enjoying.

      I hope these are useful and don't overlap too much with books you've already thought of.

  3. My son that age loves the Bad Kitty books. He also loves graphic novels for Pokemon and Zelda.

  4. She's at the perfect age to read The Fairy Rebel by Lynne Reid Banks. I have a ton of book recommendations and booklists for her / for you. Email me or leave a comment at my blog with some more details - she's an athlete, she loves sci-fi, she wishes she was Nancy Drew - so I can give you more specific recommendations! In the meantime:
