
September 19, 2013

A Very Happy Day - BOOK ORDERS!

Today was a very happy day because all of the books my students ordered from Scholastic came in!!  They went to town on ordering, and I was able to get 30 books to add to my classroom library AND have a crazy amount of bonus points for later ordering.  
So very excited!  

Here are some pictures of what I was able to get!

The card on the top is for the pre-order for House of Hades.


  1. When I was still teaching, Scholastic Book Day was much more exciting to me than anyone in the room. You got some terrific books for your kids to read.

  2. That's awesome! So many books! And my eye just on The Lord of Opium! ACK! Talk about some awesome reads! YAY!

  3. I still love pursuing the Scholastic book order forms. Looks like a great mix of books.
