
March 4, 2013

Team OWL Review: Destiny, Rewritten by Kathryn Fitzmaurice

Today I have a Team OWL review by a great 5th grader I have!

Destiny, Rewritten
Author: Kathryn Fitzmaurice

Des·tin·y: |destinē/
(noun) The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

Eleven-year-old Emily Elizabeth Davis has been told for her entire life that her destiny is to become a poet, just like her famous namesake, Emily Dickinson. But Emily doesn’t even really like poetry, and she has a secret career ambition that she suspects her English-professor mother will frown on. Then a seeming tragedy strikes: just after discovering that it contains an important family secret, she accidentally loses the special copy of Emily Dickinson’s poetry that was given to her at birth. As Emily and her friends search for the lost book in used bookstores and thrift shops all across town, Emily’s understanding of destiny begins to unravel and then rewrite itself in a marvelous new way.

          Emily Elizabeth Davis is named by her mom after Emily Dickinson. She loses a book that contains her fathers name which her mother will not tell her. Her father had left her and her mother even before Emily had been born. As her and her friends look for the book of famous Emily Dickinson poems in every bookstore in town, she has begun to understand what her destiny means to her life. She can change her destiny or leave it the way her mom meant her destiny to be.

This book tells a heartwarming story about destiny and I believe that it can touch lives. Why I believe it can touch lives is because it tells a story that could be true. It tells that your destiny is a thing that you can control in your life and also change.

The plot of the story is very cool and also complex. I believe that this story could not have a better story behind it. You can relate to the story and compare events in your life. Kids with divorced parents that some have not met their mom or dad will probably be able to relate very well because Emily has been raised by her mother and does not know who her father is. But she still believes that someday she will meet him face to face.

The setting in the story is very realistic because Kathryn Fitzmaurice tells the story in the world of today not in the future or the past. You can relate to your life in the book. That is why the setting in the book fits it so well in many ways!

What age range I think it would be best for is 9-12 because it would be a little too young for high schoolers and to old for 8 and younger. Why I think that it is too old for 8 and younger is because it talks about some older stuff but definitely not upper YA. For high Schoolers it may bore them and not be very interesting.

I think that the gender that this book fits is girls because it is related around a girly topic and boys could read it but I recommend girls.

If you would like to learn more about Destiny, Rewitten please visit  to learn more.  


  1. Wonderful review of a wonderful book. Sounds like you've got a future writer on your hands.

  2. Nice review, defiantly need to find the book now. So glad you do these team owl reviews.

  3. I thought this book was pretty cute but as an adult, definitely agree that it suits its intended younger audience better. Some parts just felt so familiar or overdone to me as someone who has read a lot of books.

  4. Great review! I like the cover and it sounds like a perfect pick for middle schoolers who like mysteries. Thanks for the tip!
