
February 11, 2013

Book Review: Away by Teri Hall

Title: Away
Author: Teri Hall
Book Obtained: Bought

After crossing the Line, Rachel finds herself in a world where survival is never guaranteed - a world where bizarre creatures roam the woods and people have strange abilities. Everything has gone to ruin Away and the survivors have banded into warring clans. Rachel finds her father being held prisoner by a tribe of Others, and she and her new friends set out to rescue him. But when they cross back over the Line, Rachel and Pathik make a foolish decision, bringing them into further danger that can only be resolved with an unthinkable sacrifice.

I had read The Line awhile ago, so it took me a bit to get around to reading Away.  Away picks up pretty much right where The Line left off.  The first issue Lina has to deal with is how some of the Others think of her and how she thinks of them.  Remember these are people she has been taught to fear!  With the help of some of the Others she learns to not fear them, but at times there is still tension between her and the Others.  

What I liked most in this book was the description of what life was like for the Others.  In The Line you get a really clear picture of what life was like on Rachel's side of the line.  Now in this book you get to see the other side.  And I liked that.  I'm always fascinated by the "what if" worlds.  What if this happened - what would life be like.  It was interesting to see the piles of what was once technology just tossed off because they don't matter anymore.  That made me look at my smartphone and really wonder what my life would be like without it! Shallow I know, but it did give me pause! I do wish there had been more about how the world on this side of the line fell apart.  What was the process etc.

I also liked the development of Rachel.  I found her very sheltered in The Line.  It was great to see her gain strength and confidence in herself.  Thankfully this happened because if she had turned into a weak, whiny girl I could not have continued reading! Instead she really showed her strength especially when she helped with her father.  Her courage really came out there.

The last thing I liked was how the "powers" of the Others were explained. This was a minor part of the first book, so it was interesting to learn more.

The only thing I didn't like was the length.  I wish the book had been longer!  It's a short read, and I do think some things could've been explored more or the story could've been extended.  It feels like a long time until I'll get to hear more!

Final Thought: Good but short
Best stick-with-you image: The piles of discarded technology
Best for readers who: Read The Line and like dystopia
Best for ages: 12+

For the Guys? I think so.  Yes the main character is a girl, but there are many many guy characters like Pathik that make is good for guys too.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review. I hadn't heard of either of these books, but I will take a look at them. Thanks.
