
January 17, 2013

Cover Crush: Destiny, Rewritten

I love book covers. Love love love them! I've been known to drag my sister around Barnes and Noble and show her all the covers I like. I'll hunt down certain students in the morning because I know they'll love a cover as much as me. I really think I develop a crush on certain covers!

Today I'm crushing on:

I'm a sucker for good MG covers.  And a real sucker for the ones done in this style.  (there's two others like it I love Drizzle and Falling In), so when I saw this one I loved it right away.

You know what I really like - the CAT! What is he looking at???
Plus look at all those books.  She seems like a girl after my own heart.

Des·tin·y: |destinÄ“/
(noun) The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

Eleven-year-old Emily Elizabeth Davis has been told for her entire life that her destiny is to become a poet, just like her famous namesake, Emily Dickinson. But Emily doesn’t even really like poetry, and she has a secret career ambition that she suspects her English-professor mother will frown on. Then a seeming tragedy strikes: just after discovering that it contains an important family secret, she accidentally loses the special copy of Emily Dickinson’s poetry that was given to her at birth. As Emily and her friends search for the lost book in used bookstores and thrift shops all across town, Emily’s understanding of destiny begins to unravel and then rewrite itself in a marvelous new way.


  1. What a great cover. Now I'm wondering what they are looking at too.

  2. Me too. MG covers are so sweet and full of wonder. This one is grand.

  3. LOVE this book! And I love the cover.

  4. I love this cover too! I'm actually reading this next :). So cute!

  5. I love this kind of artwork too and can't wait to read this book; I think it's on my reading schedule for this weekend.

  6. No only yourself but also myself is a sucker for MG covers just because they are wonders of this wide world and this books really drove me into it. I love poetry and Emily Dickinson. I am going to order this book right away.

  7. I'm a cover lover too, especially of MG books. This one ROCKS!
