
July 27, 2012

Book Review: A Bad Day for Voodoo by Jeff Strand +giveaway

Title: A Bad Day for Voodoo
Author: Jeff Strand

In this hilariously bloody comedy, sixteen-year-old Tyler has never had a meaner teacher than Mr. Click. So when Mr. Click falsely accuses him of cheating on a test, Tyler lets his best friend Adam convince him that a bit of revenge is in order, using a voodoo doll. 
Of course, Tyler doesn't believe in voodoo. He's just humoring his friend. But after he jabs the doll with a pin during class, he becomes an immediate believer. Not only does the doll work, it's more powerful than he could have ever imagined, and now Tyler has a dead history teacher.
Then, due to circumstances a bit too convoluted to get into here (but trust us, they're extremely entertaining), Tyler ends up with a voodoo doll of himself. Which gets stolen. And now Tyler, his girlfriend Kelley, and Adam must race across the city to get the doll back...before Tyler shares Mr. Click's gruesome fate!
My Review

Ok where to do I start?  With the fact that I laughed and laughed when telling people about this book?  That when I told my friend about the big thing that happens at the start I was laughing so hard I could hardly get it out?  Or that when I got to the intermission I literally burst out laughing?? Or that when I read chapter 20 to my daughter (age 13) we both laughed and laughed, and she said I HAD to read it aloud to my students next year (first time EVER she's said something like that when she knows I'll be her teacher!)? I'll just start with this - Ab. So. Lutely awesome book!!!

I'll warn you though - you have to be with dark humor or you'll not enjoy it because it's filled with it.  I mean to the point that when the first dark humor event happens I was left with my mouth dropped open! I was sitting in a waiting room jaw dropped and giggling because it was the last thing I was expecting!  The even totally caught me off guard, but in a great way! Loved it.

Now about the main character Tyler.  Loved him.  He's a great narrator for this book.  I could hear his voice (filled with terror, disbelief, confusion.....) telling the story.  Oh - good place to tell you that if you don't like narrators that talk to the readers not a good book for you either.  Usually I'm not thrilled by them, but Tyler was great!  Being a teacher I know what's typical for boys and it was spot on.  I loved with the author would give Tyler's whole array of thoughts on a situation, and you knew these all happened in like 1.2 seconds! I loved it because who hasn't been in a situation where 20 thoughts and possibilities assult you at once!  It was fun to see those thoughts slowed down.  Beyond all that I really had to feel for Tyler with all he had to go through.  Tough but how he handled it was beyond great!

The plot - I really really want to tell you all about my favorite parts but honestly if I did I'd give away things that you so need to have thrown at you! Knowing what's going to happen would totally take the fun out of it!  All I can say is be prepared for one thing after another and when you think you know - YOU DON'T!

Now I've warned you about the dark humor and narrator who talks to you, but I should warn too that if you can't handle grusome images you probably should steer clear! I loved the scenes with it because of the dark humor, but I know that some people would not like it at all.

Ok to sum it up! Love it!!! Laughed a lot.  Cringed a lot.  Wondered what thing to them could happen next a lot!  Love it - A LOT!

Final thought:  Haven't laughed so hard in a long time while reading.  
Best stick-with-you image:  Can't share or it'll give part of the book away but it was great!!!
Best for readers who: Like dark humor and are ok with bloody events
Best for ages: 13+

For the Guys?  YES!!!!!!!!!! So many guys would love this book because of Tyler.  He's such a guy's guy (yes I said that!).  Plus all the action and events will keep them interested.

PS I apologize for the over use of exclamation points.  But I was really excited about this book :)

Be sure to read Jeff Strand's guest post HERE and enter the GIVEAWAY on that post!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great book!

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