
May 29, 2012

Book Review: Transcendence by C.J. Omololu

I'm super excited today to kick off the blog tour of Transcendence by C.J. Omololu.  I was very excited to have the opportunity to read and review this book!

Title: Transcendence
Author: C.J. Omololu
Publisher: Bloomsbury Teen

When a visit to the Tower of London triggers an overwhelmingly real vision of a beheading that occurred centuries before, Cole Ryan fears she is losing her mind. A mysterious boy, Griffon Hall, comes to her aid, but the intensity of their immediate connection seems to open the floodgate of memories even wider. 
As their feelings grow, Griffon reveals their common bond as members of the Akhet—an elite group of people who can remember past lives and use their collected wisdom for the good of the world. But not all Akhet are altruistic, and a rogue is after Cole to avenge their shared past. Now in extreme danger, Cole must piece together clues from many lifetimes. What she finds could ruin her chance at a future with Griffon, but risking his love may be the only way to save them both. 
Full of danger, romance, and intrigue, Transcendence breathes new life into a perpetually fascinating question: What would you do with another life to live?

My Review

For a long time I've been looking for a young adult book that would get me out of my funk with young adult books.  I needed a book that I didn't want to put down.  A book that had characters I liked.  A book that had a plot that grabbed me and pulled me in.  I found it with Transcendence. From the first pages I was completely enchanted with the story and the characters.  I can get a little picky about girl characters in books because it annoys me when they come across as weak and needy.  I didn't find that with Cole.  She definitely knew who she was.  Of course she was a bit shaken by what Griffon shares with her (who wouldn't be!), but she doesn't let it knock her over.  Actually at one point she almost decides to be too strong and stubborn! Although I have a soft spot for stubborn characters since I happen to be a bit stubborn myself!  

What I also completely enjoyed was the mystery built into the story.  It wasn't just about Cole learning about her past lives.  It was also about that past coming after her in a way she didn't understand or why.  I loved watching her try to fit all the pieces together to find that answers. And the author did such a great job weaving these clues and hints within her memories that I was kept guessing and wondering and thinking right along with Cole and Griffon.  And the ending! LOVED IT! It wasn't what I thought it would be - or was guessing along - IT WAS BETTER!!!!!

I think what I really liked about the book was that in a genre that seems filled with cliches and the same story just different names - this one didn't seem to fall those traps.  It struck me as very fresh and original.  I didn't seem like I had read the story before.  Which would be the exact reason why it brought me out of my YA reading funk :)

Final Thought: Past lives never looked so good!
Best stick-with-you image: Right before the execution
Best for readers: Who like urban fantasy
Best for ages: 12+
For the Guys? No not really.  Yes Griffon has a pretty strong role, but not enough to make it a guy book.


  1. I was very surprised by this book-I wasn't sure what to expect but I ended up really liking it especially the musical elements since I also play an instrument.

  2. I have this on order--glad to know it's good!

  3. I'm part of this blog tour, but was a bit unsure about it (don't tell!), but now I feel much more confident about potentially loving it... I think I'll read it next!

    Thanks for stopping by The Hiding Spot for Fantastic Five! I actually have a review copy of THREE TIMES LUCKY... I'll have to read that one soon too!
