
April 1, 2012

March of Middle Grade Wrap-Up

Well everyone it's April 1st.  That brings to conclusion the March of Middle Grade! I can't believe March is over.  
Wow did it go fast!!!

As I reflect on the March of Middle Grade there are some things I've learned:

  • Yes you need to start in January to plan an event that spans an entire month!
  • People are amazing in their generosity and time
  • There is a love of middle grade books out there that is far greater than I had ever know!! I've so excited and happy to see the love!
  • Schedule as many posts as possible so you aren't trying to do them the night before! This happened one week and that was a stressful week!
  • Get a widget for people to put on their blogs to help spread the word.  I wish I had done this.  If my February hadn't been so bad I would have, but that was one things that fell through the cracks.
  • Although it would be great to make an extra entry in the giveaway be spreading the word - not having to check them all is fantastic!!
  • I'm so happy that I got to share and promote some authors that not everyone was aware of! That made me very happy.  I love to see good authors get the spotlight :)
  • Plan, plan, plan.  Organize, organize, organize!!! You can't over plan or over organize!!!!!!! I'm so worried I missed someone who sent me stuff to post.  Please let me know if I did and I will go overboard in April to show your stuff!!!!!!!
  • Use Rafflecopter for the giveaways because I could duplicate the forms and schedule them  to start and end.  Saved me some time.
  • And lastly - SMILE because people found some new MG to love and enjoy!!!

Ok  now for the giveaways! They all end by the end of this week, so next Sunday I'll be announcing winners. You have through April 4th to link up your reviews for the big giveaway!

All the other giveaways are linked at the top of the right side column -------------------------->

Thank you all for making The March of Middle Grade a success!!!!!!! 


  1. Thanks for sharing your tips on what worked and what didn't. And for spotlighting middle grade books all month.

  2. What a great month! Thanks so much for highlighting the kinds of books that sometimes don't get much time in the spotlight.

  3. Middle Grades = My favorite reads! Thank you for a wonderful month of books.

  4. It's wonderful to hear how popular MG books are - thanks for highlighting them.

  5. Thank you for a great month! I think you did a fabulous job! And I agree, it is wonderful to see so many other bloggers who love MG. :)

  6. It was an awesome month. I really did enjoy it!

  7. Thanks for focusing on MG! As an aspiring MG writer, it's always great to get more recommended titles to read as part of my research.

  8. This was an AWESOME event, Jill. Thanks for rounding up with your thoughts and advice. All best in April as you take some time and relax (ish).
