
January 18, 2012

Random Giveaway of The Fault in Our Stars

Hey all I've got a random giveaway! I wanted a signed copy of The Fault in Our Stars.  The first one I bought was just signed, but then I went to Target and found one signed with the little fish! I wanted that one so I bought it too!!!! 
That left we with two copies.  
After surveying some people they all told me to GIVE IT AWAY!!!!! 
So that's what I'm doing.

Just in case you don't know what it's about:
Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 12, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumours in her lungs... for now.  
Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too; post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (whatever that means), Hazel lives tethered to an oxygen tank, the tumours tenuously kept at bay with a constant chemical assault.  
Enter Augustus Waters. A match made at cancer kid support group, Augustus is gorgeous, in remission, and shockingly to her, interested in Hazel. Being with Augustus is both an unexpected destination and a long-needed journey, pushing Hazel to re-examine how sickness and health, life and death, will define her and the legacy that everyone leaves behind.

And its signature

PS can I tell you something else:  this story has such hints at the novel I'm in the process of revising that I'm already in love with it!!!  Now shhhhh because to compare something (even remotely) I'm working on to something John Green wrote is crazy talk!!!!

Now to enter - apparently you have to click READ MORE to get the Rafflecopter to show up! Sorry! I'll need to figure that out!!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm on the fence about reading this one but I'd still enjoy the chance to win a copy so I don't have to wait for the library copy, lol.

  2. And yes, I have read a John Green book. I've read Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherines. I'm not his biggest fan but I have been hearing good things about this book.

  3. I'd love to win a copy of this book. I continue to hear amazing things from everyone who has reviewed it.

  4. I have not had the pleasure of reading a John Green book but have heard amazing things. This book has been getting a lot of buzz and sounds like a heart wrenching story. It's in my wish list and will hopefully be read soon. Thank you for the giveaway.

  5. I haven't *embarassed face* but I am checking them out of our library soon and I ILLed his Christmas book.

  6. I've got Paper Towns on my TBR. I watch vlogbrother videos all the time, so I've heard a lot about this book. It sounds amazing.

  7. I've only read An Abundance of Katherines (I know, the shame!) I've been meaning to pick up Looking for Alaska for, well, ever.

    I am like 200th on the library waiting list for this. Really kicking myself for not pre-ordering. Thanks for the chance at redemption!

  8. Good luck to all entering and no worries on it being US only! And can I just add on you getting one with the hankelfish...SCORE!

  9. I feel like I am the last person on earth who doesn't hve a copy yet! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I have never read one that I know of. I just recently heard of him, and from many, many blogs. I guess I need to check him out!!!

  11. I have heard so much about this book and about John Green in general. I just requested An Abundance of Katherines from the library, so hopefully I'll be getting that soon!

  12. I'm one of those people who is embarrassed to admit I haven't read anything by him. But I'd love to if I win.

  13. That's really generous of you, Jill. I already have one of the signed copies, so please give it to someone else.

    LOVED this book!

  14. *waves* I am so winning this!

  15. I've read Looking for Alaska and am eager to read his newest. Loved his vlog with his bro!

  16. Well, I'm one of those who has not read any John Green books. I just heard about this one and it sounds very intriguing, so I'd love to get a chance to check out one of his books!

  17. Yes, I have read another John Green book, I read Papertowns, loved it! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!

  18. I have never read a John Green book- shocker I know

    great giveaway
    follow via gfc

  19. Of course! Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, Will Grayson x2... but I CAN'T WAIT TO READ TFIOS!!!!!! Thank you so much for this giveaway!!!

  20. I LOVE John Green. I've read all of his books, and can't wait to read "Fault!" I only wish I were still living in Boston so I could see him on tour.

    His writing is smart, funny, probing, thoughtful--I wish he had been around to read when I was a teenager!

    ~Maria G.

  21. I only own and read Will Grayson Will Grayson!

  22. Haven't read anything by this author yet but I'd love to start with this one!

  23. I love John Green! I've read all of his books, only I still need to finish An Abundance of Katherines.

    John Green's vlogs are the greatest! DFTBA
