
January 16, 2012

Help with Middle Grade March Madness

Hey everyone! I'm putting together a fun March where I'll do nothing but highlight middle grade books! But I need a little help.  I've love people to join in and help if they can.  

Here's how you could help:
write a guest post about you and middle grade books
host a giveaway of a mg book
read mg and review as much as you can in March

Review Giveaway
I will be hosting a giveaway for a MG book for those that post a review of a middle grade book during the month so get your reviews ready! You'll be able to link at my site to enter.  More details to come!

So if you want to help, please fill out the form below. 
 If you've already contacted me, could you still fill it out, so I have all the info in one place! THANKS!!!!!

Also I need a button for the event.  If you are any good at that I'd sure love some help ;-)

THE FORM can be found here too if you can't see the one below.


  1. Well now. This is made of awesome! If you need help with anything else, let me know.

  2. Try the Biblio Files Trilogy. The Dewey Deception, The Gutenberg Gambit, and The Tamerlane Trap by Ralph Raab. A code-breaking, puzzle-solving adventure that takes middle school twins throughout NYC, visiting The Morgan Library, the NYPL, Central Park, the Bryant Park stack extension and even the Library of Congress! It's sort of a DaVinci Code for kids, where they are compelled to find the hidden clues and figure it all out before it is all revealed!

  3. Sounds like an awesome month. You should link up with the Marvelous Monday middle graders that month. If you need info on how to, let me know.

  4. I'm looking forward to this event - it'll be fun!

  5. Sounds like a fun event. I've already started putting together some MG reviews for March and cannot wait to see what everyone will be doing for it. =)
