
October 17, 2011

Cover Crush: Life is But a Dream

I love book covers.  Love, love, LOVE them.  I've been known to drag my sister across Barnes and Noble just to show her a book cover.  Or to find students before school starts just to do the same.  You could say that yes, I develop a cover crush!

This week I'm crushing on:

Life is But a Dream by Brian James

At first when you look at it you see just the general pretty colors, the blue sky and the leaves gently falling down the cover. It seems sweet and nice. BUT then you get to the girl.  She's almost scary looking! Such a contrast of her next to all the rest of the cover.  And then when I really look it seems like she's laying on a dry lake bed or something.  Why does she look like that?  What is it mixed with the "prettiness" of the rest of the cover?  Great great cover!


  1. That is a great cover. Makes me wonder what the book is about.

  2. That's a gorgeous cover - and it really makes me want to know what is happening!
