
September 29, 2011

My Birthday!

Today is my birthday! I am 41 years old.  Yup 41.  My daughter says I'm old.  And I guess from the perspective of a 12 year old I am old.  But from my perspective I'm not old at all.  Actually just the other day I was wondering when I'll begin to feel, and act, like a 40 year old - an adult! I'm thinking that I never will!!!  My brother-in-law told me to act how I wanted and not worry about my age.  I said that sounded like a plan - I'll act how I want and let my age figure itself out. I hope you all do the same!

I thought about what to do to celebrate my birthday here on the blog.
 -Send everyone cupcakes? Yummy but no.  
-Invite you all for a party? Fun but pricey for you! 
-Tell you all to send me a present? Great for me - not so much for you!

Have a giveaway as a party favor for actually celebrating with me by reading this post even though it didn't say giveaway in the title? YES!!!!!


One book of your choice from The Book Depository up to $20!!

To Enter:
Open to ALL my followers as long as Book Depository ships to you.
Must be at least 13
Any money left after $20 will not be given
Enter using THIS FORM

+1 extra entry 
Share IN THE COMMENTS how old you feel! Not your real age - just how old you feel!
 I feel about 16 most days :) 
For those of you still teenagers - you may actually feel your age and that's ok!


  1. Happy Birthday doll! The age I feel depends on the day. Sometimes I feel 20ish (my actual age). Other days, after work, I feel like an 80 year old woman. :P

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Most days I feel like I'm about 27/28ish. Some days I feel my age (33).

  3. Happy birthday! Recently I've been feeling about 25, though depending on the company I'm in there are plenty of times when I feel 17 again.


  4. OMG I totally know the feeling. I just turned 35 in August and honestly 90% of the time, I don't feel it. I think I feel 25.

    Happy birthday sweetie!
    *imaginary confetti*

    And thanks for the awesome contest.

  5. It depends on the occasion. Sometimes I feel as old as my mother (and even sound like her when talking to my kids), but then put me with my friends and a couple of drinks and I feel young. I do miss feeling fearless (you definitely lose this as you get older).

  6. Sometimes I feel 40 other times I feel 18

  7. Happy birthday! And I just remember this piece of advice I got from my dad... "You may grow old, but no one ever said you had to grow up."

    I usually feel like I'm 19, though sometimes I feel closer to 30, usually after a long, harried day. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  8. Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope your day is super great!!

  9. Happy Birthday! I feel not a day over 25. : )

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Happy birthday! Sometimes I feel like 16, others I feel like 8... Yeah, kind of a weird range, but whatever!

    Geeks & Books

  12. I'm 22 but I feel old. It's nothing in the way I act or look (I've been told I act and look like a 17 year old), but I think I over think stuff, and over stress about my life. But on most days, I love acting like a kid.

  13. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great time celebrating.
    Although I'm 40 next year I feel half that age.My niece even tells me I act more her age than my own.(which is nice to hear) :)

  14. Well pregnancy is taking it's toll, I'm in bed at 8 everynight, so I actually feel very old right now LOL
    Thanks for the great giveaway <3

  15. Happy Birthday! We are almost exactly the same (literal) age -- within about a month, but I'd say that most days I feel about 25. Hope you've had a great day!

  16. Part of me wants to say I feel hundreds of years old because I have my old fashioned moments, but I'm way too young and inexperienced to feel anything older than 16 and unfortunately in 3 months time I'll know what it's like to feel 17

  17. I feel about 21...I keep expecting to wake up and be back in college.

  18. I have to say that I don't feel my age either. I still feel like I am 18 years old, not 30. In fact, my daughter just turned 11 on Tuesday and I just couldn't believe it. How can she be getting so old and I am still the same age? lol. Happy Birthday!!

  19. Happy Birthday. You are young. God just messed it up. We should age based on how we feel regardless of time. I plan on telling Him.

    I feel 23 but then I look in the mirror and remember I'm 36. Stink'n mirrors.

    Hope you had a fabulous day.

  20. Happy birthday! It's amazing how quickly time flies. I feel like I am still in college (19-21).... until I try to stay up late. Of course working with 3rd graders keeps me feeling younger then my 32 years. Then I look at my boys and get my wake-up call that time is not standing still.

  21. Happy Birthday!!!! I'm 22, but I feel 24 or 25 right now, because graduate school is CRAZY STRESSFUL!

    Thanks for the giveaway & have a great birthday :)))

  22. Happy Birthday! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

    Sometimes I feel younger like in my 40s with tons of energy. Other times when it's super busy and there's hard things going on, like job insecurity now, I feel more like I'm older, like in my 60's. Not quite there yet. Enjoy your 40's. They are fun years.

  23. Happy Birthday. Sometimes I feel about 15 but most of the time I feel about my own age of 21.

  24. Happy birthday! I feel about 55 most days- but when I am 55 my kids will be out of the house (I hope) so I bet I have more energy.

  25. I now that i usually don't feel like I'm my age, I often forget that I'm as old as I am, usually i think I feel like I'm in my early 20s.

  26. I really dont often feel my age. More like Im still in my 20s.

  27. As a teen I felt older than everyone else - like maybe in my twenties. Now that I'm in my thirties I still feel like I'm in my twenties. ? Doesn't make sense.

  28. Since I'm coming down with a cold today, I feel about 100. But normally, I fell around 37...and I've been feeling that way for several years now...
