
September 19, 2011

Cover Crush: Faery Tales and Nightmares

I soooo love book covers. Honestly I've been known to drag my sister through the bookstore to show her a cover I like or hunt down certain students to show them.  It really is like I have a crush.  So once a week I like to highlight these covers.

This Week I'm Crushing On:

Faery Tales and Nightmares
Melissa Marr

I'm crushing on it because it's just plain hauntingly pretty. The gown is pretty, but why is she in a seemingly rotting out building??  When I add the title to it I really wonder.  How are faery tales and nightmares together? I thought faery tales were suppose to be sweet! This cover makes them seem creepy and sad!


  1. Awesome cover and I love Melissa Marr. Can't wait for this to come out.

  2. While I'm not a huge fan of Melissa Marr, I LOVE the covers of her books. Everyone of them have been awesome and this is no exception. Great cover to crush on :-)
    Truly Bookish

  3. Great cover! I'd read this book just because the cover is beautiful in a semi-spooky way.

  4. Ooh, I love those creepy fairy tales -- no sweet, Disney-fied ones for me! I like the bloody ones by Grimm and Perrault. Can't wait to read this one!
