
August 29, 2011

Cover Crush: This is Not a Test

I soooo love book covers. Honestly I've been known to drag my sister through the bookstore to show her a cover I like or hunt down certain students to show them.  It really is like I have a crush.  So once a week I like to highlight these covers.

This Week I'm Crushing On:

by Courtney Summers

This cover was just released this week, and I LOVE it!  I love how her hair covers her face.  It creates such an empty feeling.  I can tell right away that it's not a light-hearted read.  Plus, once you really look at it you notice the spray of what looks like blood in the upper left corner.  Wow!

Lastly it has the same feel as The Forest of Hands and Teeth, so that gives it an advantage in my heart.  



  1. Agreed. This is a pretty cool cover. It speaks of giving up.

  2. I love this cover too! I really like the colors they've used.

    When is this book coming out? I couldn't put it on my wish list on Amazon yet... :\
