
July 11, 2011

Cover Crush: Betrayal

I love book covers.  Love love love them! I love strolling through the bookcases at BN and finding all the pretty pretty covers.  I'll find one that just draws me to it.  It's really like I have a crush on it!

Today I'm Crushing on:

Isn't it gorgeous??!!  I can't take my eyes off this one.  Just so pretty! The color of the dress, blues swirling into light purples.  Just love it!And then the look of the girl.  Why does she look so desolate?  What happened?
 The funny thing is, the first cover I saw for it was soooooooo different.  I'm glad they put this on on the print copy.

What do you think?  And as always, click the pic to find out about the book.