
June 9, 2011

Author Interview: Myra McEntire Author of Hourglass

Today I'm so very excited to welcome Myra McEntire to The O.W.L.  Myra is the author the soo-to-be released Hourglass.  I just finished up Hourglass and will be posting my review later today (pssst - I haven't been that hooked by a book in long time!)

With that Welcome Myra and thanks for hanging out at
The O.W.L.!

For your most current book - what part/character/event are you most excited/proud about?

A sci-fi aspect that I’m actually in the process of fleshing out. This book isn’t set in the HOURGLASS world, and it’s darker in an off-balance kind of way. Maybe Tim Burton-esque. I have no idea what I’m doing/where it’s going, which means I have the freedom to write whatever I want! Fun!
Tell about your writing process.  How long did it take you to write your current book from idea to finish? Please tell about revision is you can! It took me almost two years of writing from idea to between the pages (realize the book has been finished since last October.) Being willing to revise is the very best thing a writer can do. My editor told me that writers who are willing to revise are the writers who have long careers. That’s what I want!

Is the story and/or characters based on anything/anyone in your real life?

The character of Dru is based on two of my girlfriends. They both do stylist work for a lot of musical artists (I live in Nashville) and one is a makeup artist, the other a hairstylist. That author photo? They did that. Most of the time I forget to brush my hair.

How much say did you have in the cover of this book? What is the process for creating a cover (my students are always curious about this!)

I had NO say at all! And I’m so glad! I would have never come up with something as gorgeous as what I have. I will tell you that the photographer is seventeen years old, and she took the picture that’s on the cover OF HERSELF. That’s some inspiration, right there!

What kind of student were you? Was English your favorite subject in school and did you always write?

When my mind was engaged I was a great student. For me the best kind of learning happened not in one class, but when my classes were connected. That worked better in college than any other time. Say for example you’r

e studying Abraham Lincoln in history, and your English class is reading ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER. (Yes, that’s really a book. Crazy, right?)

And because it's the owl my standard question always is: WHOOO do you admire when it comes to writing? Whoooo are your favorite authors now and when you were growing up?

I admire J.K. Rowling, for the conventional reasons, but also for some personal ones. Once you finish your book and get it out in the world to promote, writing is no longer a solitary process. It’s not really your book anymore; it belongs to the world. I admire the way J.K. has managed to keep herself apart and keep writing. You have to be in a certain frame of mind to really dig deep into your story, and sometimes that means you have to be really, really alone.


And thank you Myra!  I can't believe the cover picture was taken by a 17 year old! That makes me like it even more.  Side note about the cover - it took me FOREVER to realize she was walking on the wall!  I just thought the hardwood floor was a door.  Once I figured that out the cover was even cooler for me!

Make sure to check out Myra's Website to learn more about her and Hourglass.

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