
March 30, 2011

April is NetGalley Month

I've been on NetGalley for a bit now, and if you don't know what NetGalley is, it's a place that lets publisher share ebook copies of books to bloggers, reviewers, librarians.  Let me tell you they have some awesome books! 

Emily over at Red House Books decided to make April

 NetGalley Month

with a challenge to read and review as many NetGalley books as you can.  This is the kick I need to get mine read, so I'm jumping in!!!!

Here's the books I plan to read:

I've requested a few others, so I might add to this.  My Nook is going to get a workout!!!

Rules to Enter according to Emily at Red House Books

Rules to enter:
*Make your own post declaring April NetGalley month linking back to this post


*Tweet the following:
@NetGalley April as been declared! I'm joining @WilowRedHouse for a chance to win some awesome prizes-will you join us?

*If you don't have a blog or Twitter - post it to Facebook with a link

*If you don't blog, tweet or FB but still want to join in - send me an email  at Wilow[at]yahoo[dot]com

AND THEN go to THIS LINK and sign up!
If you want to participate check out THIS POST over at Red House Books for the info


  1. Oooh, yay! I saw a tweet about this but didn't have time to explore fully. I have SOOO many NetGalley books because of the no Kindle button thing but, now that it's back for just about everyone (come on, Disney-Hyperion! Get a button!), I've got to catch up on my reading. I'm so joining in. Thanks for posting!

  2. Looks like fun! What a great idea.

  3. Thanks for signing up! I'm so excited :)

  4. Thank you so much for participating in NetGalley April! It's time to wrap it up - please check back in :)

    Hope you had a great month!
