
November 13, 2010

Remember When: Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume

In Remember When I revisit awesome books from the past.  These may be books I read when I was in school or just a few years back.  Either way they are books that need to be remembered and revisited.  I hope more of you think about doing a Remember When and spread these fantastic books around!

This weekend I'm remembering:

Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume

This was my most favorite ever Judy Blume books.  As is typical with her, she dealt with issues long before other YA or MG authors thought to deal with.  This story of a young girl dealing with the violent death of her father is touching, emotional and honest.  I remember when I read this thinking about the fact that some kids faced this for real.  I gain a bit of understand what they went through - how difficult it truly was.  It is a book that has stuck with me over the years.  I hope, if you haven't read it, you'll pick it up and read it now.  It is a story that is still relevant.

The other great news: it's being made into a movie! And Judy Blume wrote the screenplay herself.  I cannot wait to see the final product.

From Barnes and Noble
Davey has never felt so alone in her life. Her father is dead—shot in a holdup—and now her mother is moving the family to New Mexico to try to recover.

Climbing in the Los Alamos canyon, Davey meets the mysterious Wolf, who can read Davey’s “sad eyes.” Wolf is the only person who seems to understand the rage and fear Davey feels.

Slowly, with Wolf’s help, Davey realizes that she must get on with her life. But when will she be ready to leave the past behind and move toward the future? Will she ever stop hurting?

Here's the cove I remember!


  1. I loved Tiger Eyes and keep meaning to reread it. I know I read and reread it many, many times as a kid/teen.

  2. I remember that cover too! Of course I can't remember for the life of me what the book was about since it's been so long since I've read it. I do hope to re-read this one soon.

  3. This was also my favorite Judy Blume book, but I had a hardcover ex-lib copy with no dust jacket. The cover in my head is just Ms. Blume's signature. :)

    I'm kind of terrified at the thought of this being made into a movie. If I'm afraid to reread the book because it might not live up to my memory of it, how can a movie even hope to compare?!?
