
November 26, 2010

Holiday Gift Suggestions

Since the offical start to the holiday shopping season is today I thought I'd share my suggestions for some great books to buy for people on your list. I'm not going to go crazy and give you a huge list, instead I'll just give you my top choice(s) for a few catigories.

Best For MG Boys
The Scorch Trials - needed for all the boys who read The Maze Runner.  And if they haven't read The Maze Runner give both!
Conspiracy 365 January - action packed book that has 12 books out in the series!

Best for MG Girls
It's Raining Cupcakes - my daughter (age 11) read it, loved it and bakes tons of cupcakes now
Sister's Grimm The Fairytale Detectives-fantastic series full of adventure and fun

Best for YA Girls
Shiver and Linger - so many of my girls love this series
Gallagher Girl Series - So many of my girls tear through this series.  Fun, action, some romance. 

Best of YA Boys
Thirteen Days to Midnight - what would you do if you knew you couldn't be be hurt?
Lockdown by Walter Dean Myers - well anything by Walter Dean Myers

Best Series for Those Who Liked to be Spooked
The Devouring and Soustice! I found the second book better (scarier) than the first.  I need to read Fearscape yet.

Best for Zombie Lovers
The Forest of Hands Teeth along with The Dead Tossed Waves.  Love love love this series and again I liked the second book better.

Best for Readers Who Like to Laugh
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda - cute, funny but also a great message

Best YA for Adult Readers
Before I Fall.  I cannot say how much I loved this book!

Best MG for Adult Readers
When You Reach Me -  I adored it beyond reason :)

So those are just some suggestions I have.  Hope you maybe found something for the reader on your list.


  1. Great list. I've found that my students, er, well, the gilrs really like Haley Abbots books. Myers is a no brainer for the boys. I swear, even my most reluctant reader can get into his books. He's freakin' brilliant. Oh and I must get my hands on the Origami Yoda book, for realz!


  2. This is an excellent list! I definitely agree with Shiver and Before I Fall.

  3. Great suggestions! I will definitely keep it in mind when I go Christmas Shopping! :)

  4. I was at the One of a Kind show in Toronto today and it seems like owls are all the rage! They were EVERYWHERE!!

  5. This is a good blog, it is encouraging to see people giving value through great post. Gift finder
