
October 3, 2010

I Got to See Suzanne Collins!

On Saturday I was lucky enough to see two authors - Patrict Ness and Suzanne Collins.  I'll be posting about Patrick Ness later this week along with a giveaway! But for now it's all about Suzanne.

The signing started at 2, but we got there at 1, and I'm glad we did.  The Red Balloon (a great indie bookstore) isn't very big, so it filled up soon as you can see by the picture.

My daughter tired while waiting.

Right at two Suzanne came out.  She joked with us a bit and then did two readings, one from Catching Fire and one from Mockingjay.  It was super cool to hear how she read the voice of Katniss.  She explained that see read Katniss as she hears her in her mind, with a slight Appalachian accent. I'd never thought of Katniss that way!  Funny side note too.  She read the word Panama and I had been pronouncing it differently than she did.  I find stuff like that interesting.

After her reading we were able to get into line based on the number we received when buying a book.  My daughter and I were 107 and 108.  The line moved really fast! I was happy to see you could get a quick snapshot with her.  I got one, and so did my daughter who had her Gregor the Overlander book stamped instead of a Hunger Games books (although she's read them).  She was stamping them because apparently she had something wrong with her hand. 

Over-all it was really funny to go and see her.  It was my first signing of a big author.  The others I've been to have allowed me to chat some, so this was different.  I think the best part was seeing all the people that loved The Hunger Games.  They were of all ages! It did my English teacher's heart good to see that many people giving love to a book!


  1. That is so very awesome! And, how cool that your daughter got to go as well. I, too, never thought of Katniss as speaking with an Appalachian accent. Interesting!

  2. Looks like you had a great time. I'm sorry I missed it. I was thinking about going but didn't get it onto my calendar. I'm only about 2 hours from The Red Balloon which is very doable most of the time.

  3. What a great turn out and exciting for the readers!

  4. That's so exciting. My daughter would have loved to meet Suzanne Collins.
