
September 30, 2010

The Cybils and Me: I'll Be Judging!!!

I'm so very very excited to share that I will be a Round Two judge for the 2010 Middle Grade Fiction Panal!! I could not be more excited! Last year at this time I hadn't been blogging long, and started hearing about the Cybils.  I thought the award was super awesome and wondered how to get involved.  A year later and look at where I am! Now I know this will be a ton of work (I'm going to need to stockpile reviews for the blog ahead of time AND get my review reading done AND learn how t say no!), but I'm just so excited to be a part of this fanastic process that I don't care!

Here's a bit about the Cybils for those of you that may be goind "Cybils? What????"
(taken from the FAQ question page at the Cybils website.)

What's a Cybil?
The Cybils awards are given each year by bloggers for the year's best children's and young adult titles. Nominations open to the public on October 1st.
Can anyone nominate?
Yes, anyone may nominate one book per genre during the nomination period. We post an online form from Oct. 1-15 every year. Publishers, publicists, authors and illustrators may nominate books, as can teens, parents, random visitors ... well, anyone.
Which books are eligible?
Any books published between the end of one contest and start of another. For 2010, that means books released between Oct. 16, 2009 and Oct. 15, 2010.

For more answers to common questions about the Cybils check out their FAQ page.

Be sure to check out the Cybils Website for more informatin including how and when to nominate books!

And you can also follow the Cybils on Facebook and Twitter.  Check out the links below.

Ok now that you know about the Cybils, start thinking about what books you'll nominate.  Nominatios start


  1. Jill: Congrats on judging! That will be fun. Check out this link--I think it's right up your alley!
