
August 25, 2010

Ok Fine I'll Join the Read-a-Thon

After reading everyone else's posts about the Dusk til Dawn Read-a-Thon and wanting to get up to 25 books read this summer I've decided to join! This is a read-a-thon being hosted by Book Crazy.   I'm a bit nervous because the last two times I joined one I first got a migraine and then I got sick! Hoping 3rd times a charm :)

Setting my bar a lot lower this time.  Looking at reading 18 hours from today (yes it starts today!) through 8 a.m. on the 29th.  And actually the number of books read is more important to me than hours. 

I want to read 4 books. 

They are:

Hex Hall
Guardians of Ga'Hoole #1

I won't be able to officially dive in until tomorrow night, because I need sleep tonight! But I'll kick it into gear then :) Wish me luck.


  1. I can't wait to hear what you think about these books, especially Mockingjay and Incarceron. Have a good night's rest...Off to read!

  2. Glad you could join us! Have fun!

  3. Glad your in on all the fun! :D Mockingjay seems to be on everyone's list - goodness!!! :) I cant wait to see what you think of Hex Hall!
