
August 23, 2010

Back to School

So in two days I head back to school - well teacher workhops.  I thought you all might like to see the number of bags I have to take back to school.  Most of the bags are, yes, books for my classroom library.  Now I didn't buy ALL those books.  I came about them in several ways.  Some I brought home from my classroom library to read, some are ones from my daughters bedroom library that she didn't want, some people gave to me, some I won and of course some I bought. 

Here's all the bags!

Here's all the NEW books I'll be adding to my library.

And I wasn't just getting books this summer, I was getting owls too.  Here is all the new owl stuff I'll be adding to my room! My family just shakes their head!


  1. I have the same situation as I head back to work- I can't find a bag big enough to fit all the books I got this summer! Good luck with another school year.

  2. That is beyond awesome!

  3. Oh! Can I be in your classroom, too? ;-) This is an amazing collection of books and owls!

  4. You have got to be the AWESOME-IST teacher ever! I wish I had been in your classroom when I was growing up!!!

  5. Oh! and I forgot to favorite owl item is the blue and white bag with the owl on the front! :D
