
July 9, 2010

For the Guys Friday: Ranger's Apprentice Series

Every Friday I highlight books and authors that are ones boys might really enjoy. I'm not saying girls wouldn't read these books, but they are clearly "guy" books.
This week I'm highlighting:
The Ranger's Apprentice Series
by John Flanagan
I've only had a few students read this series, but one of them gave it the best endoresment.  He's not huge on reading, but he loves this series.  Every Tuesday I would show my students book trailers, and he wanted this one shown all the time - even when I had already shown it! (pssst see below for the trailer)
I just bought the first four books from  They were on sale, and I figured if this student liked them, they deserved a spot on my shelves. 
Book One, the Ruins of Gorlan, summary from Goodreads
He had always wanted to be a warrior. The Rangers, with their dark cloaks and shadowy ways, made him nervous. The villagers believe the Rangers practice magic that makes them invisible to ordinary people. And now fifteen year-old Will, always small for his age, has been chosen as a Ranger's apprentice. What he doesn't realize yet is that the Rangers are the protectors of the kingdom. Highly trained in the skills of battle and surveillance, they fight the battles before the battles reach the people. And as Will is about to learn, there is a large battle brewing. The exiled Morgarath, Lord of the Mountains of Rain and Night, is gathering his forces for an attack on the kingdom. This time, he will not be denied . . . .


  1. These are very popular with my boys! One of my students convinced his parents to buy the next two in the series from a bookstore in Australia so he could find out what happens next (and we live in Minnesota.) He was kind enough to let me read them and to donate them to the Media Center when he finished them. I have found that showing a book trailer is a great way to introduce books to my students.

  2. This is actually a series my husband read and talked me into reading and I really enjoyed it! I do think it's a great series for boys and one that my husband and I will continue reading ourselves.

  3. I read this first one - loved it, gave it to my son thinking he might enjoy it....HA! Now we pre-order them on amazon. He and all his friends are reading them. I am hoping to find something else that they will love as much for them to read once book ten gets here.
